My advice? Take the money and run. All 80K of you! Scientists,go and work for big Pharma and make tons of money. Administration? Leave and let him figure it out! Right now working for the government is not patriotic, it’s not life saving, it’s unscientific and chaotic. Democracy will rise!
He must think federal employees are stupid and shows he knows nothing about the system. They will hold out for a reduction in force action where they have lots of rights and plenty of leverage.
With the measles outbreak on the rise in 12 states, he dismissing workers. This decision is likely to backfire, and he will appear foolish when the medical crisis in the US escalates. It is inevitable.
“What’s something about Elon’s role in the Trump administration that people aren’t understanding?”
Ryan Mac “Musk is the manifestation of the nation’s extreme wealth inequality. It’s what happens when unfettered capitalism allows people to accumulate this much money and this much power.”
Best way to protect politicians and their puppets? Have the stop screwing over people and countries so they don’t develop an uncontrolled will to kill. HOW? DEFUND THE SECRET SERVICE. Behave or grave.
“We are losing sight of the academic mission: to think, to enquire, to design and perform new research, to innovate, to teach and communicate our findings for the purpose of societal improvement. There are many reasons …but a key contributor has been the corporatization of academic institutions.”
Rfk jr is trying 2 make us 2 sick 2 fight the evil coup. Gutting HHS, using taxpayer $ to fund anti vaccine fake studies, ‘reviewing’ (ie, will ban) SSRIs, he wants trump/musk 2 be dictators, destroy us & rfk jr will b rich as hell selling that blue crap he wanted us 2 see him putting in his drink
In 1992 the eligible members of the US military were offered a 25K bonus for early separation. I'm not sure how anyone who understands how money works over time could see a 25K buyout in an equivalent way. I think the people in 2025 are getting shafted.
Speaking out on my podcast may have cost me my job, but staying silent is worse. I’m a combat vet, 12-year federal employee, 100% disabled—and I got fired. Now, I’m telling the real stories of federal workers tossed aside. Will you listen?
Any bets that he and his family are ALL vaccinated, too?! Just "King #FOTUS made sure that he and HIS Family all received their COVID shots back in early 2020, BEFORE he left Office!
Unsigned offer is not worth the paper you would print it out on! It is yet another headline grab. This Administration loves chaos & thinks all news coverage is great because 47 just looks at the ratings.
I know what he was meaning to say but "line of succession"
is not the same thing/
Vice President
Speaker of the House
President Pro Tempore of the Senate
Secretary of State, etc...
There needs to be a huge poster counting all the children dying from measles. And next to the count is a statement that reads RK Jr. does not believe in vaccines.
I said this before and I'll say it again. I live in a small GA town, mostly Republican. Last month I wrote, "in three months, no White person will admit to have voted for trump and no black and brown person will admit that they did not vote. Two months left.
And how will we stop the idiot from destroying the world premiere health organization? Sit back and react. Instead get out in front and lock him out by law suits that tie his ass in court.
There are many distractions manufactured by the current administration but what is really going on? Dig deeper, the truth is out there somewhere and I hope we find it before it’s too late. Something is very wrong. SOS!
What the fuck is going on with our country cause you know worm head can’t do fucking anything. He couldn’t find his dick. It was on his forehead. Jesus Christ. Our country fucking sucks. Donald Trump fucking sucks. Elon Musk fucking sucks the Republican suck dick and each other.
How far down the toilet bowl do you want to go? I'm not appreciating what you're doing to us, to Ukraine, your new direction. It's so fkn sad. As cousins we know more than anyone, you're better than this. Please end this. Stand with Canada until you find your legs again. Until you are free
MAGA isn’t just a movement, it’s a personality. Trump’s grip isn’t about politics; it’s about identity. So, how is the spell broken? How do we pull people back without pushing them further in? The answer isn’t what you think. Read this before it’s too late.
Exactly. Follow the system of the "working girls" get the money up front. Don't do the work before getting paid. Don't leave your job without getting a check or better direct deposit.
A medical crisis will occur on his watch.
Ryan Mac “Musk is the manifestation of the nation’s extreme wealth inequality. It’s what happens when unfettered capitalism allows people to accumulate this much money and this much power.”
Now Trump’s trying to let AMERICANS & their CHILDREN DIE
(Check in the high-numbered pages of your daily paper to find any generic story they might be running on the topic.)
I know what he was meaning to say but "line of succession"
is not the same thing/
Vice President
Speaker of the House
President Pro Tempore of the Senate
Secretary of State, etc...
which is what they are actually doing
Poor people, the elderly, the disabled, the lower middle class, the middle middle class and the upper middle class will be the victims
Sad part is many voted for this