Anyone who continues to use tiktok after that stunt to make the orange one look good has lost all self respect. If you continue to be on TikTok, you're part of the problem.
Facts. We can always make a new app that can hold content creators on it cause I think TikTok is definitely dead. Now it’s time to move platforms someplace else. The question is though all the people who are getting their money from TikTok are they gonna leave?
"The Act permits the President to grant a one-time extension of no more than 90 days with respect to the prohibitions’ 270-day effective date if the President makes certain certifications to Congress regarding progress toward a qualified divestiture. §2(a)(3)."
Thats the difference. Trump and Rs will ignore any law they don’t like with no consequences, while Ds will whine about norms and traditions and do nothing.
The ban wasn't to take effect until tomorrow. Last I checked... Biden isn't going to be president. They only reopened it because the person who would be president (Trump) gave them the assurance that they could.
?? I don't understand. What is being extended? Nothing. They didn't NEED a go ahead. It's not banned until tomorrow. The ONLY reason they would've re-uploaded the app is if they had assurances from the powers to be.
There are only 170 million people in the US that use TikTok , 1.6 billion world wide. Make a 50/50 ownership make sense lol. The few don’t out way the many.
I’m confused
Last time I checked Biden is still the president.
Who really just gave TikTok the go ahead to unban its app??
Tomorrow he will after his inauguration.
So who gave them the go ahead and then said it was ok to give credit to Trump..?