Your behavior has made you unsafe. Your rulings are disrespectful to the Rule of Law and our Constitution. You have undermined your authority and caused permanent damage to the Supreme Court, the Judicial System, and our Nation.
The disrespect you are receiving is earned and justified!
3 of 3
The disrespect you are receiving is earned and justified!
3 of 3
Never thought I'd see this in my lifetime.
And they are thrilled
because no one is above them
This was perfect!
I need a bumper sticker and t-shirt: can anyone help me get those?
Something they will never understand without a BRIBE.
β’ People with African ancestry cannot be U.S. citizens
β’ Segregated facilities for Black people are just fine
β’ Any law regulating working conditions interferes with the employee's constitutional freedom of contract
β’ No problem with locking American citizens up in internment camps if they're not white and have funny-sounding names
β’ It's ok to criminalize being gay
β’ George Bush got to be President
3/2 (ok, I lied)
Citizens United was only the beginning.
I sincerely hope Roberts does not sleep well for the damage he has inflicted.