A picture is worth a thousand words: Elon Musk, the Un-Elected President of the United States.
We cannot allow unelected and unaccountable billionaires like Elon Musk to seize control of our government. So, I’ll keep fighting.
We cannot allow unelected and unaccountable billionaires like Elon Musk to seize control of our government. So, I’ll keep fighting.
Why isn't someone stepping up to be leadership... PEOPLE are worried, scared, feeling like the Democrats have bailed ship???
I've heard Hakeem Jeffries has been in Silicon valley fundraising WTF; he says WE HAVE NO LEVERAGE step back and step down Hakeem. We want Democrats who LEAD! NOW
All you have is media and messaging. GET THE PUBLIC’S ATTENTION. Put MAGA/Musk on their backs and keep them there.
"It's The Coup Stupid"
Consider explanations & talking points addressing the takeover of America by Elon Musk & his $280 million dollar puppet start & end with some version of:
Keep us focused