Car had developed a front-end wobbling sensation that I could only describe as "insane and unsettling"
Presenting the tire with two different diameters:
Presenting the tire with two different diameters:
You should let those wear out before putting the wheel back on next time~
Stop experimenting with uneven inflation.
Cupping is a series of worn patches every so often around the tire from a suspension harmonic aligning with the tire rotation.
There's basically zero wear AT ALL on the above tire, treat depth is 'factory fresh' on both areas. O.o
I casually mentioned it to his boss on my way out the door. He tagged it as "bad bearing, catastrophic wheel separation from car, etc, lol, get back in the shop ASAP😅"
. How does this even happen
LIKE was it a manufacturing error or were you Burning Rubber and it just ... Shaved down weird??
Herro, going 60 mph on the interstate: *screaming*