The CR's effect on DC is a five alarm fire.
By treating the DC as a federal agency & compelling the city to return to 2024 spending,
Congress is mandating that DC cut its budget--*its own tax dollars*--by almost 20%.
None of this $ will be refunded to the fed gov; it was never theirs.
By treating the DC as a federal agency & compelling the city to return to 2024 spending,
Congress is mandating that DC cut its budget--*its own tax dollars*--by almost 20%.
None of this $ will be refunded to the fed gov; it was never theirs.
If that happens, must be removed from leadership, and of course...
the President must be removed from the White House.
So while DC RIFs & city services deteriorate, this money will just sit there.
I think it's time to lobby for Maryland retrocession. If we don't have a path to keep this city running, then we need a (realistic) path to power.
Dems voting for the CR would be a good place to start.
So, our teachers and police officers will take salary cuts while this money sits there.