i was pretty disheartened to hear this segment this morning. i mean i get listening but why are they talking like yeah we talked and it's all ok now?!? 🤬. i'm done watching MSM and getting my news from here only
Totally disagree with you. Going and talking to the man who is going to be the next president seems reasonable to me. Doesn’t mean you enable him or support him. It means you haven’t totally given up on your power of persuasion.
They’re afraid. They know what Trump is capable of. Why do so many people fear him? Soon, his adversaries and/or their family members will also start falling out of windows.
I'm afraid we're in for a slow, disappointing slide from ethics and actual journalism, toward the dark side. I new it was coming but it is jolting at times.
You got that right!
After Jack Smith threw in the towel, Joe started running, right back to Trump’s arms. He compared him to Reagan, a racist, which he thinks is a good thing.
Don't they understand their audience? Do they no understand the resistance? I stopped watching @cnn.com completely 6 months ago and starting watching Morning Joe. Will completely stop watching Morning Joe and will be watching local news or sports
They’re both bores - if we watch at all - and that’s a big if - it will only be ‘the weekend’ or Lawrence O’Donnell. Since the election I’ve done neither.
Joe is a former Republican congressman. Just because he left his fellow Trumplicans doesn't make him a hero. That house was on fire, and now it is fully engulfed.
Good work getting out, Joe.
They were pretty good during the election. They spoke about how dangerous Trump would be in his second term. But now they’ve bent the knee. No more speaking truth to power.
That, sir is what fear looks like. When a psychopath who is going to have the most powerful office on the planet has targeted you in the past and is even more dangerous because of the Supreme Court decision will target you again that sir is first rate horror.
That is what I saw too. 😐 They know he watches their show. There was also an attempt to appease their viewers by promising to speak truth to power and hold him accountable, but I dunno 🤷♀️ It wasn’t easy to watch thinking they weren’t happy doing it.
What they don’t understand is Trump never forgets or forgives. They are too dangerous to stay on the air. They will still be targeted and removed in two years. Will be watching Morning Brunch with Mike and Sally.
Can’t disagree. They are making a desperate attempt to appease him and their viewers at the same time. I think they do understand but are in a no-win situation. Human to human I do feel for them. Their show won’t survive but they have money so have options so I won’t cry about their demise 😐
That being said other civilians have faced threats upon them and did not buckle Dr. Martin Luther King, Alexei Navalny, Rosa Parks, John Lewis, John McCain to name a few what they did was shameful.
Or are they just afraid? In other cirumstances I'd laugh that off, but with the swamp folk moving into the White House soon, journalists should actually be afraid. There are different degrees of fear though... fear of being out of business is way different than fearing for your life.
No longer watching or listening. They care more about their potential revenue stream under a Trump fascist regime. They will get the Romney treatment soon, set the egg timer.
Thank you!
In the last few years, there's been a
push by some liberal folks on social
media to frame them both as some sort of
high-profile voice of media reason, they're not.
I turned it on this morning first time since the election , Joe was Biden over the withdrawal from Afghanistan besides saying over and over that Trump has the right to pick his cabinet since his overwhelming win . Yeah ok …
The best part is after they made that announcement. 9 o’clock. Joe came on and said he was getting praise and all his Republican friends and the media. He said he’s hearing not-good stuff online. He said you wanna know what, I don’t care what’s being said about me online. don’t care about democracy
They reverted to type, but they have a show and they want access for their show. So I'm not furious, just disappointed with the reality they're conceding. And they did try. They're a superficial morning show that wants to survive.
Fear of speaking the truth rather than kissing his butt to stay in his good graces is not my idea of reporting the news which is why I avoid the mainstream media and their skewed presentation of what's really going on.
1994, Scarborough was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives for Florida's 1st congressional district, becoming the first Republican to represent the Florida Panhandle
Joe is a Repuke
Leopards would never eat my face
Nor do they change spots
Joe and Mika must truly believe that Trump is going to incarcerate any media who was against him. What a pathetic attempt of getting on his good side. Totally lost all respect for both of them. Gross
I don't care that they met with Trump, I'm mad they didn't do it for an interview. If Trump refused the interview they would have said so.
Nothing is worse than a suck up!
Terrified of retribution. Orange clown 🤡 is a bully. I’ve turned off mainstream media. TV only goes on for Christmas 🎄 movies. Right now Blue Sky is my only news source. I rely on the journalists on this platform to tell the truth. I appreciate that you do. Get ready as media is running 🏃♂️ scared 😱
I wasn’t shock so much by Joe, but Mika really shocks me. I will never watch their program again. I actually stopped watching the morning after the election when their tone changed. I will only watch my YouTube news now
Agreed, they helped him rise back in 2015-16 and now they’re kissing ass because they’re afraid of what he might do to their show if they call him out on anything, pathetic to say the least!
At least it'll be a change from legacy media capitulating to agenda 2030 or 2025 or whatever agenda is du jour, substituting entertainment news & vague slander, without direct quotes or proof—with a bias towards whatever deep pockets are pulling their purse strings—instead of journalism!🤣🤣😂😂💫🐇🎩
I was thinking this morning…I wonder how that whole Know Your Value initiative will work out for women, in this new administration, with Mika at the helm. 🤔
A long while back, someone commented
on one of morning joe's Twitter post,
stating that joe and mikas's relationship
was akin to a "me too" situation that "worked out".
I think she said a movie is being made of into a movie. I need to find listening to season 2 of those podcasts. They are excellent . She is brilliant and with humor and wit .
💯 those who will sell out vs those who will be directed to sell out. Who knows how any viable media survives. It’ll be streamers and hopefully people find the right ones.
And she invokes her father's diplomatic history as the reason she's talking to Trump. Come on, Mika. I love you but that's not the reason you went to Mar-a-Lago.
Joe is still proud of being part of Reagan Counter-revolution.
This is more proof he is a bootlicker.
And Mika's anti-Russian dad must have rolled over
Sell-outs more than kiss-asses.They’re proving they have no moral compass. If they think this is the way to get viewers back, they’ve seriously miscalculated. Caving to the authoritarian is obeying in advance. Not watching that farce.
Enabled trump in 2015, giving him unlimited exposure on their morning show. Feigned horror at his 2016 election, and thru his 2024 campaign, and now go to bend the knee at MAL.
the news was bright. It was shiny. I thought to share it with a repost. Then I thought to myself: Self, you don't watch them on cable. You don't in fact even watch cable. Why share at all.
There are no words how troubling this is. It’s not just disappointing, it is. I monitor the Bannon right & affiliated shows. This was a disinformation election. Joe & Mika will absolutely not pull from that audience. They are absolutely loathed. I can provide countless clips.
They went to Mar-a-Lago to kiss the ring then Trump told everybody on another network how they praised him for his great campaign.That just about sums it up
After Jack Smith threw in the towel, Joe started running, right back to Trump’s arms. He compared him to Reagan, a racist, which he thinks is a good thing.
Good work getting out, Joe.
He would call into morning Joe every day and get that free airtime
In the last few years, there's been a
push by some liberal folks on social
media to frame them both as some sort of
high-profile voice of media reason, they're not.
I've never understood their appeal.
I never will.
Joe is a Repuke
Leopards would never eat my face
Nor do they change spots
Mika- I just got so tired of waking up at 4am to get to the studio. It was making me age way too quickly!
Rupert gave us a great offer and all the lipo and implants i want!
block Joe and Mika on all social media
All hail the King!
Brzezinski was the Democrat's answer to Henry Kissinger, the brains behind the Indochina War, et cetera
But Brzezinski and Kissinger were such sociopathic, short-sighted, small-minded devils!
Nothing is worse than a suck up!
The capitulation to tRump shows just how disingenuous she always was. Really pathetic.
Pay attention to those who continue to hold the line for truth and democracy. Support them if you can.
It's also the FIRST DOMINO to fall -- the rest will follow.
on one of morning joe's Twitter post,
stating that joe and mikas's relationship
was akin to a "me too" situation that "worked out".
Most of them have been giving him special treatment this whole time. Lots of scandals or absurdities just plain ignored.
After all she said on @theView just before the election
America is really regressing
They have no place on MSNBC. A-holes.
This is more proof he is a bootlicker.
And Mika's anti-Russian dad must have rolled over
had them always kissing
Those who normalize are complicit.
Hitler, Josef Mengele, Hermann Göring, Heinrich Himmler, Joachim von Ribbentrop, and Martin Bormann.
Our new normal cannot normalized.
Two scared dogs.
All is forgiven. Let's play nice. Let's not dwell on the past anymore. We have more important things to consider....like our careers.😡😡