Even if someone were to invent a device that could open a portal, to allow him to send troops there, said troops would be wiped out. Wakandans don't play.
And the sheer psychological damage to all the Proud Boys/Oath Keepers White Nationalist Incels who actually volunteer as they get slaughtered and owned by black women will be TREMENDOUS.
American voters were too ignorant, and remain so, involving Trump. They will have to feel real pain before they realize how stupid they were. Look at the protestors that dogged Harris over Gaza. Where are they now as Trump wants Gazans to be deported to Jordan and Egypt and the West Bank annexed.
sorry couldn't put in Message: Old organizer... worked for MN COACT and with Paul Wellstone... we need solutions... not platitudes... here is a solution: here are few organic issues that matter to a large chunk of the populace that could help with young folks: Here is mine:
Housing being #1: It is time for a House construction plan based upon the GI bill .. with 24x 32 minimalists houses.. which could slapped together in a day by a decent crew. The government buys land, prepares it and builds vast tracts of small WWII size houses, more
heavily insulated, in any city that needs them thru an infrastructure plan using Co-Op Labor of those who want housing and/or on the job training. The Houses are them sold at cost with 40 year mortgages. Simple/effective. more
for the masses of underhoused young... and when they get better jobs and want more... they get sold back to the program "at cost".. here I am a retired old disabled man with a 100+ year old house that needs work... and can't find a contractor... even thou I have money thru the state to fix things.
Hah! He thinks Iran hates him? And he’s gonna put crazy-fucking unqualified Tulsi in charge of national security and intelligence? We won’t see it coming because he’s pissing off the world, and w/her as DNI, we won’t know who the hell claps back with real force.
Can you imagine if he has a fucking man baby tempertantrum and slaps tarriffis of 50% on every country who's Prime Minister or President stands up to him and says NO. We are headed over a waterfalls on a raft.
Slapping tariffs on every country that doesn't bent to the man-child, is a bad idea. Countries will trade with each other in stead of with the USA. Forming an alliance like NATO without USA but with the rest of the american continent and countries like India. How will the debt work out?
The damage will be high for the US. If we (Europe) are so lucky to not get into a war with Russia and/or USA, we will be hurting for a while but we will have a decent chance to recover econonically. I am convinced that cooperation and looking for win-win solutions is superior to isolation
Newcomers with chains around their hands and feet being transported by plane is reminiscent of another time in history. Millions of enslaved Africans transported by ships from Africa to America…chained hands, neck, and feet. Domination is the point!
I honestly don't know how so MANY people can be so STUPID & CONTINUE to believe a LYING CON MAN! His LIES have been exposed THOUSANDS of times, there is AMPLE proof of HIS CRIMES, yet they CHOSE to ignore ALL that because of HIGH PRICES & Wars they don't like! 😠
Except their lard and saviour has threatened to takeover at least three sovereign countries and already, and plans to impose trade wars with several nations. So I guess they’re fine with wars after all….
Sure, ANYTHING their CULT LEADER does is FINE with them, it's ONLY wrong if a Dem was to do it! So I'm guessing they'll be FINE when the COST OF LIVING goes WAY up so they'll need to work 3 JOBS just to make ends meet!
Then they won't have healthcare or NOTICES of impending diseases or food recalls, no vaccines or medical treatments so maybe they should just save whatever they have to plan for their FUNERALS!⚰️
They have to be to IGNORE the SERIOUS CRIMES he's committed! 😠While they act all outraged about a Migrant committing RAPE, they have NO PROBLEM ignoring the FACT that Trump has DONE the same thing MULTIPLE times!
Through all of it, Trump does a brilliant job of avoiding the question of supporting Ukraine in its fight against the Russian invasion. Magnificent deflection.
A lot of stuff... He basically called him a fascist... although he used beautiful words saying Colombia is a country of love and the heart of the World. Also he said that he will put tariffs in the same way as the US.
Nazi+Money+Senile old man=Apartheid boys and girls! Im not sure trump even knows whats going on around him. Reagan was senile, Nancy covered it up & made decisions. trump is senile but musk is his Nancy, he's no nancy She wasn't a nazi grabbing power & creating wealth. Btw not defending Reagan 😅
they are stone cold cowards and have no interest any more in serving the people or honoring the Constitution...it's all about what they can get for themselves....and retaining power. Shameful and shameless.
Mark these words: When Trump finds out how farmers are hurting, crops rotting & no produce on store shelves, he'll force immigrants to pick crops at gunpoint for no pay. I've been saying this for well over a year.
Consider that the Migrants come to America and work on Republican Farms and businesses, yet the Dem Leadership is too stupid to know how to take advantage of that fact! That is why the GOP can campaign on immigration knowing full well that it is their constituents hiring them!
That's the plan, just look back at Hitler for a moment and it will all ring true, the words, the outfits at inauguration, shock and awe, that's a Hitler thing, all of it is a big disgusting plan. I'm seeing Canada has nato involved and has proof in their election and it's global not just Canada
I'm thinking he'll force the immigrants he's trying to deport to Columbia & people currently imprisoned (e.g., CA firefighters) especially inmates in the for-profit prisons run by friends of 🍊💩.
That’s where this is going. This is how he’s going to make slavery “legal”. For those people who who were on planes that were rejected, they will come back here and be prisoners. And then they’ll be “put to work”for their stay. It’s horrific.
After Petro's little outburst, and rebellion, Trump slapped Columbia with debilitating economic sanctions. I believe he handled it between the 7th and 8th holes. Three hours later, the little communista surrendered and agreed to accept the immigrant criminals he sent the US. Trump winning!
 if you were aspiring to an activist position in politics, please advocate for tax justice in America with the adoption of the fair tax system. If you read the book, we will become clear. https://www.fairtaxsystem.net.
Many Americans stand with Canada against the orange monster! Don't let the bully get the better of Canada. Canada can win a trade war. Half of the lumber the US receives is from Canada. Canada must point out the orange moron is trying to increase our housing and home owner insurance costs.
They didn't roll over. I find it interesting that MSM is not reporting the response from Columbia's president. They're just going along with the DJT's narrative.
"Gustavo Petro responds to Trump: “Overthrow me…the Americas and humanity will respond”
President Petro of 🇨🇴 like PresidentA Sheinbaum of 🇲🇽 did not want US military planes flying or landing over their sovereign country. Both are prepared to receive returning citizens in a most humane means possible. Which is why both have chosen to charter their own flights.
But not our politicians, not our government, they would never stand with the working class in this country and show the world what we’re made of, apparently that’s too much to ask. Our government let us down and now it’s up to us to fight back.
Well, you all will. Obviously. But you won't feel as stupid.
a frozen lake. Ignoring all the warning signs not to.
Finally telling the truth about events like Tulsa and then saying no one is alive anymore for justice. Voting against reparation.
There's lashes on people from all sides.
Trump is a cancer! 🤡
It may be unrelated, but news of crops rotting in fields because 75% of migrants were too afraid to go to work came out yesterday…
and now today comes news of an order to implement a quota to increase # of detainees by 4x - 5x what they’ve been detaining the past 3 days.
will always
-and only-
Tran$action$ where
•Un•Do lots of things•
Create havoc•
$lyly re•do them
to function like
#Parasite #UknightedeStates
#WeFlubbedAgains are decomposing,
What’s the distinction you’re making?
"Gustavo Petro responds to Trump: “Overthrow me…the Americas and humanity will respond”