So Kentuckians who heavily support Trump are getting a tax break from KY that is heavily subsidized by federal funds that disproportionately come from the taxpayers of blue states who pay in more than they receive.
Just shifting the burden for the hardship caused by the guy they voted for. 🙄
I live in CA. The difference is that California has a progressive tax structure and KY has a regressive tax structure with a flat tax which rewards wealthy and means the poor pay a higher share of their income in taxes.
I live in KY and agree. Like many of our Southern neighbors, Trump has struck a chord with the electorate. Our good democratic governor simply signed a bill (ill-advised) that was passed by a Republican legislative super majority. This super majority wants to take the income tax rate down to zero.
And what essential services did he cut for a couple of $$ of tax saving. We need to start talking about all the basic services government covers with our tax dollars. They would be amazed how much they get.
Remember when gas was 1.69 a gal. just 6 short years ago. 3 years ago gas was 3.29 a gal. 2 weeks ago before Trump 2.89 a gal. 2 short weeks later 2.79. Canada milk tariff on us about 268%. Oh dear Avocadoes will go sky high. 🫣W/a 25% tariff. Avoc. in store 1.00 & w/tariff 1.25. I can deal w/ that
We need a leader NOW!!!
I called this morning.
I’m not calling for an Al Haig moment but just cease the podium. Newsom is handcuffed. I love but our country apparently…
Announce in front of a Tesla dealership now!
For who? What low-income working family pays federal or state income tax? You know what they do pay? Sales Tax. Cut that if you must cut anything. Otherwise this is just feeding GOP lies.
This isn't "the good". This is the reason Democrats lose purple state after purple state until their dark dark red. They don't fight for the Democratic Party at all.
That is a fair point, and there isn't much he can do about that, but it is worth looking at his cabinet. For Kentucky, this is quite a diverse selection. He also makes a point of including those with disabilities (his sign language interpreter became a practical celebrity during covid).
For real lol. I have half a mind to lead him to the tortoise enclosure at the Louisville zoo and leave his ass there. No one would be none the wiser. 🤷♀️🤣
OR!!! you call on a strike because this government is doing absolutely nothing “for the people”. You actually FIGHT for your people not just give us more money for a hot second.
You probably mean the current governor and future senator for the Commonwealth of Kentucky?
He will replace Mitch, and put the bums in their delegation to shame.
How is Kentucky going to make up its inevitable deficit? I'd be more impressed if Kentucky made the rich pay their fair share rather than rely upon money provided by blue states for support.
Weak Shit. This actually feeds INTO Republican LIES that the problem in America is taxes. My god. LOW INCOME PEOPLE DON'T FUCKING PAY TAXES GTFOH Taxes Fund Essential Services.
I'm not about anybody feeling pain. Cutting taxes for state services is going to cost jobs and loss of school funding. It's the messaging. This is how Democrats have lost the south, plains, & rust belt states. Constantly playing into the hands of Republicans by perpetuating their political agenda.
I get it. I was immediately thinking of relief for people in fear. What the Rep reps doing to get their people off the govt teet? Creating jobs? No. Vote against it. Gonna get to making jobs and get off blue states GDP?
I’ve never seen red congress make jobs in their states. They are happy to waste educ $ and mooch off CA every year and not help Ca when in need cuz they are evil trans. IF they actually create jobs who are they gonna sell products to?
now that we’ve lost credibility on global stage. People everywhere boycotting USA products because of what we now stand for and bringing strife to their country. I used to hate to say it, but now I’m OK with wanting them to feel the pain to break the fever and we all have to endure it so f it
This is the tone that cost Democrats the south, plains and now rust belt states. It is the exact OPPOSITE of the message and policies that we need. People are hurting. They need help from the government and support for government programs. The people hurting DON'T PAY TAXES. jesus.
Interesting theory....Kentucky is definitely a "taker" state, receiving more than it gives. But does that amount go up based on state budget deficits? I thought it was driven more at the program level.
How nice for Kentucky that they get $2.89 back in benefits for every $1 they send to Washington -- second only to Virginia on the list of Taker States.
But VA has a lot of resources and is an employment power hub where people make pretty good salaries. We are not a poor state we don’t just do a lot of taking
This is good? He is saying he has no problem with or intent to stop tariffs or Republican caused inflation. The very thing they ran against. Instead he’s cutting income tax without saying where those cuts will come from. Is he mimicking the destruction of the Dept of Ed? Cuts to support services? 🖕
Perhaps not but he didn’t commit to his constituents that he opposes them either. Where’s the money for this tax break coming from? Is there a big pot of uncommitted funds available that won’t come from programs the state depends on? I’m not here to argue, I’m asking real questions.
All valid questions for which I do not posses an answer. I do applaud the gesture. And I’ve been holding out hope for Andy Beshar for a while. I mean, a democrat that can win in Kentucky?
I understand your point. Truly. But I see us now being happy at scraps. We’re not fighting the root cause. We’re offering a bandaid. I want to see dems fight back. I’m not seeing this as fighting.
Lowering state taxes while everything else increases doesn't help Kentucky. That lost money could've gone to education, road maintenance, public transportation, water and air resources, Medicaid, the things state taxes are used for. This is so short sighted.
What was services were cut to pay for this tax cut? How does this action affect child welfare efforts and the wellbeing of children in foster care? Kentucky’s success in these areas is already challenged. What about services for the elderly? Do the tax cuts favor the wealthy?
I'm betting zero taxes for them and we will be taxed up the ying yang. Workers need to walk out indefinitely, especially Walmart, Sam's and Amazon. Unfortunately, I now have my husband's pension which the state is looking to eliminate state benefits. I clean a non-profit for 7K so I should be fine😅
It has become imperative to recruit RuPaul Charles to do a lengthy inspirational drag musical number on the Senate floor. This should solve everything. (I wish I was kidding)
Check back in a year and I guarantee Kentucky will be deeply missing the $700+ million this tax reduction will cost them. It's performative politics that will only make future difficult budgetary choices harder. Google "Sam Brownback Kansas tax cuts" and see how that worked out.
Gov. Mike DeWine needs to cross the Ohio River and take some lessons from Beshear. He’s too busy cowering behind his desk, taking instructions from the convicted felon and other criminals in the Ohio legislature! Look how he handled that Haitian crisis. He’s useless!!
Exactly. Except for Texas in Florida, the red states are the poorest states. They take in very little in state taxes, & brag about their low tax rates. And then every year, federal taxes from the blue states have to fund their various red state disasters: hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, floods, etc.
I am a Kentuckian, and I support Gov. Beshear. Yet I think that the income tax reduction is a mistake. The legislature is replacing the loss of tax revenue with a myriad of sales taxes that are regressive. This shifts the burden to lower-income folks while giving tax relief to the wealthy.
I’ve watched Andy for a while now. He’s a great speaker. A great person. I think he would be a great president, but there are a lot of Democrats that would make a great president also. I hope that time comes soon.
I get the need to give relief to the citizens of Kentucky, but where is the lost revenue going to come from to run the state? Red states are already heavily supported by blue states.
The trade off for lowering taxes = less money for public schools, infrastructure improvements, etc. If the very wealthy were taxed at 19%, Kentuckians would be living well in beautiful towns and cities.
My mother watches the #FoxPropagandaNetwork and #TheFive for her "news" and once accused me of being brainwashed when I listed all the legislative acts the Biden admin got done. Even she loves #AndyBeshear. Not sure if he translates to a national stage, but he is great for Kentuckians.
Ok but reducing funding for services will not help a lot of people too. Kentucky is already extremely underfunded and is being propped up by states like California that pay lots of federal taxes.
True, it’s a double edged sword. My husband is a retired teacher so I understand that but the funding for those services isn’t going to buy groceries or gas for families
Why is the lunatic in the WH! Prices had adjusted until he was sworn in and began the ridiculous things he’s done! This is the start and he won’t stop until the economy is destroyed!
THIS is why THAT democrat won TWICE in that podunk red state.
He is sincere, doesn't play the "look at me" media chasing game, doesn't talk down to ANYBODY, listens to the people of his state, stays out of drama amd chaos, and and just does his freaking job
Go Andy!! Can't wait until 2028!! Keep stepping on those Kentucky Magats!! You have my Kentucky vote! You're the best thoroughbred to win this race!!! 🏇👏
In the end, isn't this just a backdoor subsidy for price-gougers? The gougers raise prices and govt reduces its revenue to mitigate the impacts.
That doesn't help anyone.
Not seeing any reports of prices rising yet from tariffs. Further, Chinese tariffs won't affect food or gas prices, the two areas he specifically called out.
This is a populist response to good old fashioned price gouging, which means it's just Christmas for bad actors while starving the govt.
Who funds the poor red states? Blue states. Red states particularly despise Calif, the state that contributes far more in federal taxes than they take in. No blue state federal taxes should go to the red states that can't carry their own weight & elected Trump. Red states have destroyed the US.
Exactly! They are lazy Aholes who didn’t even send help in the fires- just a handful but surely not the Bible Belt cult. When have they created jobs? Never and vote against their best interests. I’m calling as many as I can tonight about exactly this. I’m going to call their Farm Bureaus, Chambers 2
My grandparents on my mom's side were farmers in Texas. They were ultra conservative Christian white racists, but not stupid enough to vote against their own best interests. They voted for Dems their entire lives, beginning with FDR, because it was in their interest. Why do farmers vote GOP today?🤷🏻♀️
My grandparents on mom’s side were both Marines, typically known to be Rep., but lifelong Democrats who sacrificed so much so that we wouldn’t have to do this! I just left 2 messages on a Reps v mail. I may have sounded like a lunatic. I’d better write script.
For the farmers, I believe it’s a mixture of religion, regulations, masculinity issue the dems have and they have traditionally been conservatives for generations. I come from a farming community in Ca and have relatives still there.
Most public school funding comes from the Feds not state income taxes. So if you’re concerned about school funding call you Congressional people and tell them to stop the lunacy to eliminate the DOE
Relatively little funding comes from federal sources; most public school funding comes from state or local sources. It is that way in nearly every state in the US.
We vote to pay taxes for good reasons. You want to cut taxes to legitimatize and justify cutting services, departments that protect us. Go back inder your slimy rock Republican manipulating deceiver!
As someone once said to me 'cash makes good wallpaper' it will at least but some time in this instance but as others have pointed out the gap in cashflow will have to be filled somewhere else
When the GOP cuts off all sorts of state aid to pay for the extension of Trump's tax cuts--which is the plan--and plunges Kentucky's budget waaaaay into the red he's really going to regret this.
I just sent an email to my governor (McMaster in SC) asking him to do the same. I have a snowball's chance in hell of him giving a sh*t about seniors in SC.
Gets credit for cutting people's services? How is that good? That's what causes progressives to give up and sit home. Nobody is representing them. He could have fought for all the people's jobs that are on the line. The services that will be lost. We don't do it this way in blue states.
Right! We have a true progressive tax code here in CA. The richest among us pay a much higher tax rate than the middle class and working poor. The working poor pay next to nothing, and in KY, the rich pay the same rate as working class.
Kentucky has one of the most unfair and inequitable tax rates in the country. A flat tax which hurts working people the most. This isn’t the win you think it is.
My FIL is a millionaire in Louisville, but he already pays 50% of his income in taxes and donates thousands annually to local charities. Maybe they should raise taxes on horse racing; million dollar horses are fkin ridiculous.
Meanwhile, in Tennessee, Governor Lee shuts down talks and discussions about the voucher program for private schools and pushes it through while the majority of Tennesseeans are opposed to the voucher program.
No one is coming to save the Republic.
No one is going to save it for you.
It is your job, your responsibility, and your obligation to save it and yourselves. Start up the militias, don't wait until you can't afford food, fuel, and bullets.
Revolution is the solution.
Were taking back the house! Let's good!
Just shifting the burden for the hardship caused by the guy they voted for. 🙄
We should all demand a tax break. Prices are higher everywhere. Why is KY special?!
Kentucky is the opposite. They receive a lot more federal funding than they pay in tax revenue.
So states like CA and NY essentially subsidize red states like Kentucky.
Now I love him.
I called this morning.
I’m not calling for an Al Haig moment but just cease the podium. Newsom is handcuffed. I love but our country apparently…
Announce in front of a Tesla dealership now!
Talks good sense. Four 🐾 🐾 up for Andy!
That was a great thing he just did. Excited to hear more from Andy
Action over pie in the sky policy.
Naw, I still hate Kentucky, but not Beshear
What's the effect gonna be on federal aid from blue states?
Now that it looks as though we are becoming a Führerprinzip, do we really have file a Federal tax return and pay taxes to a Fascist Regime?
He will replace Mitch, and put the bums in their delegation to shame.
****Make Primaries Great Again**** You are the best!
We need to bludgeon the Trump Administration over false promises. Biden was unfairly blamed for egg prices. Trump deserves the same treatment!
Demand an Egg-splanation! 😂
BUT, Kentucky is #2 in receiving the most Federal money. (Funded by Blue states). A true welfare state.
Debtor states SHOULD NOT be allowed to cut taxes when they are receiving Federal welfare money.
He could be a very good option for president in 2028. 💙
And I normally eat just once a day.
And I'm still struggling. Drowning. And now they want to strip away my only income and my healthcare.
I'm telling you: people will die.
I know because I'm one of them. No healthcare = 24/7 agonizing pain = 👉😐💥
I get the funding is needed too.
Directed toward voters, taking about everyday concerns, no government mumbo-jumbo.
He is sincere, doesn't play the "look at me" media chasing game, doesn't talk down to ANYBODY, listens to the people of his state, stays out of drama amd chaos, and and just does his freaking job
Every leader should be talking about what a mistake they are.
Andy is doing another bait and switch. I'll give you some little $ now, but there will be a tax increase in property taxes.
That doesn't help anyone.
This is a populist response to good old fashioned price gouging, which means it's just Christmas for bad actors while starving the govt.
Also the retaliatory Chinese tariffs are targeted to impact red states
NONE of the people claiming to be Dems that are attacking Dems are doing the same to ANY MAGAts, have you noticed?
They're quiet about trump saying he will level Gaza, too
Soon the shit will hit the fan
People in the streets
Fuck all these assholes
They get big bucks great health care
We get shit 🖕
No one is going to save it for you.
It is your job, your responsibility, and your obligation to save it and yourselves. Start up the militias, don't wait until you can't afford food, fuel, and bullets.
Revolution is the solution.
You’re still on x …😡
Why not Bluesky?