Ask yourself this: What did Chuck Schumer get out of this? He is a complete fucking idiot. Some may also begin to wonder is he compromised? Why the fuck would anyone act this way?
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musk can afford to give EVERY senator 1 billion dollars and still have 300+ left. I can’t believe more people don’t see this. The system is corrupted and about to fail completely unless the people (not the bought politicians) stand up.
It's simple. But the masses have let people like Alex Jones, Qanon, RFK Jr, etc stigmatize all conspiracies as crazy theories. Simply, they want to dismantle Democracy, attack Americans and our Allies, and align with the likes of Russia, China, North Korea, etc. Why? Money & power. Come tf on ppl..
Politico 2022: “Both of Chuck Schumer’s daughters work for the tech giants: Alison Schumer works as a privacy and politics product marketing manager at Facebook parent company Meta, while Jessica Schumer is a registered lobbyist for Amazon in New York state.”
I feel like he is compromised. When Chris Hayes interviewed him, he had the excuse that if there was a shut down, the administration would be able to shudder even more agencies and the courts could also be unable to block them. Not too sure about that explanation...seemed weak and fishy.
He’s not compromised. He’s just unfit. He thinks this is just politics as usual and not an unprecedented dismantling of the US government. We need courage and leadership and just got a tone-deaf shitty op-ed instead.
Time for Schumer and the other members of the old farts career politician club to step aside if they don’t have the stomach for a fight. Am sure they have all enriched themselves enough to lose the gig.
I have been thinking he is compromised for a long time now. Nothing else really explains his actions (or lack of) in the face of Trump and Musk's all-out assault on the country.
He is locked in to old school, politics as normal. He is NOT what we need in of war. He's a coward hiding behind the argument of its the less of two evils. We are going to have horrible times ahead NO MATTER WHAT.I vote to die on the hill with heroes instead of death by hiding in a bunker!
He's a dinosaur. The wrong person for this moment. And his ego is so fucking inflated he can't see that even with the country screaming at him for weeks. He's destroying the country and our lives, and he's securing for himself a very, very ugly legacy.
Don’t use that Qanon word “compromised”. Stupid? Yes. Not that though. All dumb fcks said that about Amy because she voted against trumps wish and gave a “dirty look”. They sound idiotic.
But Schumer has always needed to go. 👍🏾
The fix was always in and the Dems have been ordered by their big donors to lay down their guns and let it pass, because those donors actually like this budget and Trump’s tax cuts. Until the neoliberal corporate types like Schumer and Gillibrand are run out of the party, this will continue.
Schumer actually made a thought-provoking point on Chris Hayes tonight: a government shutdown would allow Trump to close the courts. That would be a disaster, since the courts have been standing in the way of some of the Trump/Musk Regime's worst actions.
I've literally been sitting here since this happened wondering wtf Schumer is getting out of this or what he thinks he's getting out of this. People seemed to be talking like they knew...I see nothing.
Agreed. They made zero preparations for Trump 2.0 and have failed to form a resistance.
Contrast that with Democratic state attorney generals who spent a year preparing for project 2025 and have been seeing enormous success in court.
We need new leadership that will fight
You make stuff up but if the government did shut down we are powerless to restart it. He said vote for me and you'll never have to vote again. I've never been more concerned for our country and way of life. I read Raven Rock, all plans to save us in case of nukes requires people who want to save us.
Shutting the govt down is not something I would ordinarily be in favor of but Doge has pretty much shut it down already. The mess they are trying to pass gives them permission to do even more to hurt people. No Dems participated in writing it up. We need to be bolder to stop this coup. is clearly compromised/corrupt . In 22 years of law enforcement I learned to "follow the money". How can anyone on $210,000 a year amass $81,000,000?
#HesOwnedAlright #AnotherPutinPuppet
I'll bite. I think he knows more than most of us about the danger of shutting down the government.
Think Musk and Trump would be in a hurry to re-open when Trump can claim "I had to go to war/ appoint new judges/ cut Social Security without Congress - they walked out on the job!"
Musk and Trump don’t open and close, Congress does. Constituents would put pressure on congressional GOP to actually open it up, which they would have to do jointly with Dems. Jesus. Either people have no concept of how this works, or the trolls have finally come out to play.
Would constituents apply this pressure through the ignored Congressional switchboard, or at those town hall meetings the GOP has been told not to hold? Think further out.
People will figure out how to get to them. So far, they’ve been able to hide behind, “nothing we can do about it,” and this bill would make that permanent (Congress would actually sign away its authority re: lifting tariffs).
I understand, it's f'd. A Trump win if Ds vote yes, a bigger win if Ds leave. Trump praised Musk for firing employees who tried to join a union. Reagan fired striking air traffic controllers. Disengaging is rarely an advantage. Not sure whiplashed Dems see T/M's goals clearly if leaving the field.
Because, everything Trump and Musk have done so far were with Congressional oversight and approval? Or, because Musk, the Billionaire Brotechocracy, and Heritage Foundation wouldn't dare do anything without waiting for Congress to act? Think "and then what?" The Destructive Duo won't stop.
I don’t care if they are all compromised or being blackmailed. Our congress has a responsibility to the people of the U.S., not themselves. Own up to whatever you did and save our country! is an idiot he has to be gotten out of the leadership role. Dems hold the cards and need to not sign anything but a truly clean CR! Sneaking rule changes and reduced funding for important stuff is unacceptBLE! gop OWNS THIS NOT BEING CLEAN AND NOT GETTING VOTED IN
Schumer is many things, but stupid is not one of them. I'll leave it to others to figure out his real motivation for contributing to Trump's destruction of America.
Exactly, he's shrewd as a donkey's ass. Jamie Dimon told him to back off, that's why he switched his vote. It's all about money for this greedy, wretched old man. He's just like Nancy
And Jamie Dimon said we’d be having an “imminent” recession for all 4 years of Biden’s term which we never had 😡 I wouldn’t do anything for that charlatan
Normalcy bias - he can’t handle the chaos so he doesn’t even imagine there could be another way to fight and force the Republicans to wear the shutdown. He wrote an OpEd. How pathetically Boomer is that? New generation of leaders is needed.
Reminder that he's the schmuck who traded fast tracking all of Trump's judicial nominees to Moscow Mitch in exchange for a single Senate up or down vote.
Chuck Schumer should have kept his fucking mount shut. Keep his goddamn vote for himself or abstain. This ruined any communication strategy by the Democrats, explaining that this is a bad CR and republicans to be responsible for the shutdown of the federal government. And offer a 30-day clean CR.
Being called a Palestinian probably shook him to his core. I dunno what it is with NY politicians and Palestinians. Not like Fatah is trying to bulldoze their homes or anything…
I read a comment on Reddit that Blackstone is one of his biggest donors and yesterday their CEO said he thinks Trump is doing a great job, so there's that.
We can create a new Independent party, I'm for universal health care, national laws that are fair & equitable across the states, education that takes tax $'s & distributes it fairly.
What are you for?
Ultimately if we get through this, we need to do something different, don't you think?
Term limits for congress. Term limits for Supreme Court. Absolutely no trading allowed while holding office and mandatory financial review by independent parties. Universal health care. Immigration overhaul. Infrastructure funding.
I believe that he is more loyal to the institution than to his constituents and seems to be unable to comprehend that the latter matters more than the former.
and why the fck is he leading dem senators?
why do they keep voting for the cowardly lion???
“Ask yourself this: What did Chuck Schumer get out of this? He is a complete fucking idiot. Some may also begin to wonder is he compromised? Why the fuck would anyone act this way?”
I have a question, from a French person to you, where is the opposition party to Putin's operatives, Trump and his party? We haven't seen any since 2016. If Trump was in France, we would've restored the death penalty just for him & his people, & we would've chopped his head in 2017.
And this is why I love the French. Unfortunately, we in America have an opposition party of spineless jellyfish, except for a few. Too much money and love of power. Until things get very bad here, nothing will be done. Then Vive la Revolution or we become Russia.
I am familiar with the shameful history of French colonization, and also the rise of the right wing in France. But so far, they haven't put a madman in charge of their government. No one is saying that any one country has the answers, but there is pattern of resistance from the French.
There’s plenty of opposition but the weaponization of social and legitimate media has spread Russian talking points to the degree that a meaningful portion of people actually like that shit, and have noted for it. Which will never not be horrifying and beyond belief to me.
Half of our country is bigoted and hateful (to be fair, same goes for yours but you have less of that issue to contend with). The rest of the country is apathetic or very vocal. We have an electoral college so we don't have fair elections. Lastly, most of our opposition party are cowards.
The key is to call for a national strike of all government employees - including air traffic controllers. How long do you think we could handle a strike of local, state and federal employees. Game on.
That makes no sense. Shutting it down is caused when Congress can’t negotiate a resolution. Because the GOP didn’t bother to even consult Dems when drafting. Because it’s cutting from domestic programs and jacking up defense spending. And Congress is signing away authority to the executive.
Is it true that if there’s a shutdown, the president can actually grab MORE emergency powers? If so, blocking the shutdown would be the better tactic, no?
Why did the Democratic Party elevate such a milktoast schmuck and now turncoat to the leadership of the Senate minority? We are getting exactly what we deserve. 🥴🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮
Same thing 6 of the remaining 8 got: space to ✍️, approve more 🇮🇱 unlimited aid, weapons 💸 which come around as campaign contributions. 7 out of 8 always angling to see how their next 🗳️ may/may-not impact 🇮🇱 funding in future SOTUS bills. It’s that sad, look at their 🗳️ record, and you’ll 😬
What an absolute disgrace. This man and this party does not represent me. I’m fucking protesting twice a week and this cocksucker can’t even vote no. Fuck him. The only part of the putsch I’ll enjoy is watching the dawning realization on he and fetterman’s faces when their names are called.
A little harsh? Maybe. But I’ll tell you one thing; I am like you. Protesting, calling, writing, posting and cross posting to get info out. When I saw your post it echoed my intense anger over this perfectly. Thank you.
We have a chance to tie republicans down into actual, specific, votes on incredibly unpopular legislation. Now the democrats will be equally complicit? What is this? Like actually, what in the actual fuck is this? How am I supposed to reach a non-voter when the Dems are complicit? It’s dog shit. also doesn't have the aptitude or instinct to lead during this struggle to save what's left of our democracy. He lacks courage to stand up to trump and the republicans
He needs to step out of the fuck way
That he is saying that Trump and DOGE want a shutdown is total garbage. If that were the case they would not even be pushing this CR in the first place.
He is busy in nth dimensional chess and so pickled in DC-brain nonsense he doesn't know which way is up.
Perhaps he's right. People will be decimated who live on meager thin edges of support. Medicaid keeps grandpa in the nursing home. Musk WANTS a shutdown for his dirty deeds unwitnessed. Lots to be said for keeping it open. Court ordered ALL fired people reinstated today. Need it open for them.
Schumer gave away our rights to those responsible for J6.
Schumer choose to support a felon over supporting the people.
Congress has abandoned us.
Just another Sell Out
Schumer is compromised.
He should absolutely shut it down!
I don't believe in term limits or age limits. But I do think the quiet quitters in government should go home.
Follow the fucking money
#SelloutSchumer has been private equity’s bitch his entire career
But Schumer has always needed to go. 👍🏾
most sense.
Chucky is now part of BOP! 👇
Yes highly suspect.
He may as well be compromised!
Primary Schumer
Primary Schumer
Primary Schumer
Primary Schumer
Primary Schumer
Primary Schumer
Primary Schumer
Primary Schumer
Send the Fossil home
Contrast that with Democratic state attorney generals who spent a year preparing for project 2025 and have been seeing enormous success in court.
We need new leadership that will fight
#HesOwnedAlright #AnotherPutinPuppet
The K stands for ketamine.
Think Musk and Trump would be in a hurry to re-open when Trump can claim "I had to go to war/ appoint new judges/ cut Social Security without Congress - they walked out on the job!"
We need options.
In truth, there is no government to save.
MAGA have violently attacked our Capitol and filled our government with grifters & fascists.
If Democrats help MAGA out of this mess, we'll know America is dead.
Unless schumer simply succumbed to scum
You are worthless
Quess what. He will anyway
Vote NO.
Do the right thing for the American workers
That's a WIN for the democracy
☎️ 5 Calls makes contacting your Senators (and Rep) *very* EASY - CALL‼️
He just has to be the cog in that political machine ever churning to make it to the next election, the next fundraiser.
What are you for?
Ultimately if we get through this, we need to do something different, don't you think?
and why the fck is he leading dem senators?
why do they keep voting for the cowardly lion???
“Ask yourself this: What did Chuck Schumer get out of this? He is a complete fucking idiot. Some may also begin to wonder is he compromised? Why the fuck would anyone act this way?”
Please 🙏 for Americans wishful thinking & saving democracy globally. Merci beaucoup.
Schumer made an important point: during a gov shutdown, decisions made by the executive branch are NOT subject to judicial review.
Seems very important. No recourse for shutdown firings or deleting agencies or programs. 1:40-2:10.
Is it true that if there’s a shutdown, the president can actually grab MORE emergency powers? If so, blocking the shutdown would be the better tactic, no?
In this case, coming from AIPAC or other #Netenyahu shell companies!!
What did you think of Sen Schumer point: during a gov shutdown, decisions made by the executive branch are NOT subject to judicial review.
Seems very important. No recourse for shutdown firings or deleting agencies or programs. 1:40-2:10.
Still, I think has the right idea to keep fighting.
Schumer included.
the blackmail must be enormous across the board
He needs to step out of the fuck way
He is busy in nth dimensional chess and so pickled in DC-brain nonsense he doesn't know which way is up.