I realize they’re all dumb as a box of rocks but has anyone told them they do not have to keep following him? Like take that shit down and burn it. There will be no time he gives you what you want or need. Grow up, learn history, and fix this disaster yall caused.
No one is more musical, believe me! And he's the greatest dancer, just the best...many people are saying they've never seen anyone dance like that before, at levels never seen before. Great, very musical, very very much so
Yee haw! My home state of Arkansas is just now starting to feel the pain. It's too little, too late. After their soybean, cotton, and rice farms go into bankruptcy and S. Sanders says, "whoopsies, sorry about that" they are fucked!
I don’t feel bad for ANY of them. At All. They deserve the “policies” they voted for. The rest of us who knew what was coming months and years ago do NOT deserve any of this. The people who unleashed this on us are Traitors…I’ll Never forget that
Im originally from the common sense, farmer territory of the Midwest. It absolutely amazes me that these people (some who are friends and relatives) just would not believe me. These weren’t your typical brain washed cult followers. They just could not relate to Dems. We need to do better, guys!!!
Why didn’t they believe you? Where are they getting news? People that voted for Trump voted for mass deportations, against inclusiveness, and they believed Trump would stop inflation Day 1. How are Dems supposed to appeal to those people?
being serious , the cult will and bet many will vote for the orange cum shot even not being ABLE to be on ballet the cult willvote for the orange cum stain
I have a neighbor on my block. That had his Trump flag out since before the election. This week, he took it down and put the american flag in its place. I'm curious
But I don't want to stop and ask. I mean, the election was over in November. Fingers crossed FAFO
Sen. Lisa Murkowski—You and others submit to traitor Trump as he dismantles our Republic: the judiciary, military, FBI, and intelligence. He is nothing without spineless Republican enablers. Don’t cower. History will judge your silence. Honor your country—speak out, but don’t resign.
I hate to say this but our country would rather have a con man,a felon, piece of shit rapist, racist, white male. Than a dark skinned female. It's really that simple.
You are absolutely right. You can see that in the number of people that sat home on their ass instead of voting. They hated trump, but just couldn't bring themselves to vote for a black woman. They're probably crying the biggest tears now.
In the words of The Bartender, "Boo fucking Hoo." too fucking little too fucking late with your ugly flag at half-staff. go gnaw on your insane hatreds, you traitor. may you choke for what you have done to MY country.
The serial rapist President’s appetite for having his way with people’s lives does not stop at non consensual female bodies. When will all of the Republicans who got scammed stand up to Putin and Epstein’s eager sidekick?
i saw a porn category the other day something like 'fucking the liberals' or something like that how small does your dick/ego/self worth and or life have to be😱🤫🫢
I've seen this too! One of my neighbors has the flag pole and everything, but as of last night they took the flag down. I was so happy I cheered and clapped in the street.
Peter Thiel is calling out what he sees as a massive problem in real estate—one that's making it nearly impossible for young Americans to afford a home: an "incredible wealth transfer" from young renters to older landlords and upper-middle-class homeowners. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/billionaire-peter-thiel-warns-looming-170746602.html
Actually, the goal is to buy no weapons from the US. This will be absolutely devastating for the American arms industry. Trillions will be lost in the coming years.
bet there is a giant line for the job of whipping biggest line like a line nobody seen before many people with tears in their eyes big strong guy big 'ol whipping arms with tear jumping up in down with undersize shirt wanting to be the whipping guy bigest line ever
Hope they come to their senses and help us recover our democracy.
He’s got a fresh invite to take his pitchfork right on over there.
It would suck if so many people went to protest Orange Turd in your turf
Or bring out signs that say "F*ck Trump"
That would just be soooo sad 🤷♀️🚨
But I don't want to stop and ask. I mean, the election was over in November. Fingers crossed FAFO
Well not really half-staff; it looks more like quarter-staff :)
The Trump flag owner is sending a clear message that he or she, does not like what Trump has been doing.
-Multiple bankruptcies
-Misuse of charities
-34 counts falsifying business records
-Stolen classified documents
-Russian collusion
They fell for it all
I’ve never seen a FAFO happen so fast, it hasn’t even been two months. 😂🎉🍿😎
It might be fun to laugh at Trump supporters but it won’t last. We will all be a world of hurt unless something changes very fast. We are occupied!
That was perfect, 😂😂😂😂
how about taking to the streets instead of putting a flag upside down?
this drought is for a very long time so act quick