When I read @martin.kleppmann.com book I had the idea that all the time making a new Twitter was the final Data-intensive platform. Glad to see it working.
We are more than happy to have found this space, and ao many good, well-educated, diverse, and talented individuals from all walks of life, with amazing interests and constructive points of view.
19. Paul, Bluesky's CTO, built the earliest version of the Bluesky app, and the first client for Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB), a peer-to-peer networking protocol.
Why does your thread break off after a certain amount and is no longer in the main stream? I have to click on that last post and then it opens up more of the thread. Not very user intuitive. What's the thought process behind that?
I am happy to be here and a part of the first 1M. I tried a lot of new apps when you know who bought the bird app. I knew this one was destined for greatness!💖
i have bad news for you about the percentage of most apps’ userbases that are on ipads and how that tends to affect priorities (see also most newspaper apps)
So, I answered you by posting a pin, pinned the post, but it is not what I was asking for.
The bookmark option is to mark several posts that you want to revisit occasionally.
Seems like BlueSky has been created and fostered by people with tech know-how and a passion and drive for innovation. Probably how Twitter started, but seeing how that's now reduced to a lumbering sloth hoovering up Temu money (🤮), it's great to see you people leading the charge.
Anyone else here having a bug where they can’t follow anyone new? Search for profile, hit follow, go back shortly thereafter and have to hit follow again, loop on repeat.
I didn’t know Kenny Rogers played upright bass! I knew Kenny played bass in the First Edition but the upright was news to me. Such a cool version of “Blue Sky” too—I’d never seen this clip. Thanks for posting! @chuckpdx.bsky.social
Hey Jay got a guy trapped in the buffer, he is claiming to be a 21st century Elon, he's complaining about "Let that be your last battlefield" being his only source of entertainment.
I don’t understand any of the technical stuff, but I do understand that this platform is run by people with ethics, who care about it being a safe and exciting place. Thanks for making it!
SO happy to be here! Already connecting after only a couple days! WAY better than the (other) place! You know, the one where “that mark” does NOT “mark the spot”! 😂😅
I joined Twitter so I could follow TFG, but it became a great way to get different information from lots of people.
I am grateful you are here.
And so are a lot of the accounts I followed over there!
Thanks for this thread. Now I don’t feel like this is just another platform to turn sour. Interactions so far have been a breath of fresh air and boost to morale.
Awesome job to all from the beginning to now.
And May I say thank you so much for bringing us to life this wonderful platform so that those of us can express ourselves freely. We are so grateful to you, Jay! 🥰🥰🦋
I am so proud to be one of the invite only ppl! This has been such a great experience to watch it grow and then really take off on its own. Kinda like parenting...😊
Great to hear about the 20M new users, more about the Bluesky/Twitter backstory and so many reasons why EM is not the brightest firework in the box of crackers.
I joined via invite. This is now my go-to app. Hated how had to avoid posting real opinions in the other place as couldn’t cope mentally with the negativity and hate from largely anonymous accounts. So far so good here although have been cautiously tentative initially.
How will you avoid being eaten by the usual US greed for more, bigger profit? How will you avoid the destinies of for example Skype, WhatsApp and for that sake Twitter? I for my part still have to see a successful US startup who’s able to resist the billions being offered by the Dark Side
Would you like to spend a few words on the mobile app? In the #flutter community I'm sure there are lots of devs who would like to know what's built with, how many people are maintaining it, and so on 🙏
Free speech with free, personal moderation (not the very unfree moderation according to the political view of one billionaire).
If you can't handle (certain) opposing views you don't have to see it. If you want to, you can. I think that is a healthy way to go forward.
Sometimes I respond to trollers like they are genuine. In even rarer situations you then actually get a nice discussion. It also helps me to specify why I disagree, in stead of just being annoyed.
Love Bluesky, the only thing I have difficulty with is the term "skeets" reminds me too much of the Dutch word Scheet, everytime its mentioned here or in the media my mind goes "fart" 😜🤣 https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/scheet
I love this kind of "prank". Tumblr is a great inspiration for this -- they regularly make silly jokes that get shared like crazy and it makes people feel like a community :)
Architecture paper is here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.0323
We don’t use Kafka, although we have considered it from time to time. Relay has its own storage format on the filesystem, but the pub/sub approach is inspired by Kafka.
@martin.kleppmann.com just wanted to drop a note here that I am deeply appreciative of your book - I used it at my last company to overcome Conway's Law limitations by breaking open a monolithic legacy DB using Kafka - thank you!
I'm so glad these are actual shorts. 🙌🏼
should i feel bad about wasting his time with silliness sometimes?
i’m leaning toward: “no”
Please add it so I can brag how influential I was. 🙏
and pin https://bsky.app/profile/jaz.bsky.social/feed/my-pins to your feeds 😎
The bookmark option is to mark several posts that you want to revisit occasionally.
I started to enjoy social again, thank you.
FB did it to MySpace, Twitter and Instagram did it to FB, and now like a Phoenix from ashes the cycle continues. May Bluesky live long and prosper.
And now people you explicitly blocked can see your posts. That's bullshit.
Probably happen sometime around New Year's Eve....😏
Anyone got a chord chart?
The gangs all here — at least 20+ million
Thank you and all who are behind the scenes.
Best wishes to you and your team.
I am grateful you are here.
And so are a lot of the accounts I followed over there!
oh, damn ⌚️.
Bluesky has made it🦋🦋😊
Really truly happy here ☺️
Bluer skies were never found.
Awesome job to all from the beginning to now.
The vibe on here is just so much better.
There is also a Flutter Web version https://deck.blue
Your right to howl at the moon and type all sorts of lies slander, absurd theories that insult an intelligent person is there.
Are you mad you can’t disrupt polite conversations?
If you can't handle (certain) opposing views you don't have to see it. If you want to, you can. I think that is a healthy way to go forward.
20 for 20some + million is even more awesome!
THATS a good joke 😂
We don’t use Kafka, although we have considered it from time to time. Relay has its own storage format on the filesystem, but the pub/sub approach is inspired by Kafka.
Or else I'm seeing some eventual consistency in action :)