the perfect "get fucked" moment. First thing I thought of was mega evo but Idk if this is that game.
I'm gonna guess that the gengar probably had a competitive moveset and was actually EV trained and stuff and Mewtwo wasn't. Kid learned a tough lesson: legendaries aren't everything.
Yeah, lol. Everybody gotta get their confidence up with at least a couple of battles before they really need to have their mettle tested. Otherwise, they get discouraged.
Yeah, but an inexperienced trainer wouldn't know how best to handle something that's super effective against their pokemon, like switching out or maybe having counters in place to diminish damage.
Mewtwo is strong, but his level up movepool isn't really equipped to handle a Gengar.
Sure, but no way to know what level the mewtwo the kid had was. Too blurry for me to tell. I kinda doubt he was too far into the game or caught that himself with how he reacted to losing.
To even get Mewtwo in that game, you have to catch it in a Dynamax Adventure at level 70, transfer it in from a Let's Go game via Pokemon Home, also at level 70, or transferred in from Pokemon Go via Pokemon Home, which can only be done after it is registered in the Dex.
I'm gonna guess that the gengar probably had a competitive moveset and was actually EV trained and stuff and Mewtwo wasn't. Kid learned a tough lesson: legendaries aren't everything.
I'd probably just go easy on him and let him win
Mewtwo is strong, but his level up movepool isn't really equipped to handle a Gengar.