I remember when they all cried death panels when trying to implement the ACA. Palin led this mess, which speaks for itself. Lol Welp, it's a real thing now. Enjoy
It’s a lose-lose situation. People will conserve their supply by taking less of their medication, or skip it altogether. More complications, more Medicare/ Insurance $$$ spent of inpatient services. One way or another, the Piper must be paid.
Hahahaha. They are so good at screening themselves over. So they think that their people don’t need lower drugs?! I’m just going to try and relax, sit back and watch the show. With popcorn, of course.
Or they will go back to an old method. I’m a retired home health nurse. I’ve seen people take less than their prescribed amount of insulin, and reuse needles repeatedly, in order to reduce the frequency of refills, as they couldn’t afford it. More complications, hospitalizations. Lose lose. 😡