On this Dr. King holiday, in the midst of all we're seeing now, we must know:
The leadership we seek isn't coming from on high. It's not gonna look the same or sound the same as days past. Different challenges call for different leaders.
The leadership we seek is already among us and within us.
The leadership we seek isn't coming from on high. It's not gonna look the same or sound the same as days past. Different challenges call for different leaders.
The leadership we seek is already among us and within us.
Dr. King was great, but he didn't do it alone. As the quotes fly back and forth, I see his words as an invitation for us to collectively do better, not jump to the front.
In the moment, what can/will you do?
The work towards a shared humanity requires a deeper love rooted in authentic forms of justice. When we get to the root of the tyranny in front of us, we'll know the path towards liberation.
Dream big.