Thinking about games that are designed to be replayed (stuff like beat em ups, shmups, etc)
And wondering if there are better ways to communicate to casual players that multiple playthroughs are the “full” experience
And wondering if there are better ways to communicate to casual players that multiple playthroughs are the “full” experience
Different playthrough different vibes 💜
also stuff like alternate stages/routes, unlockable characters/ships, etc. Mecha Ritz: Steel Rondo is a shmup that's really good about this IMO
Beat em ups specifically get that rep a lot. Every reviewer back then would just say "typical button mashing game" and not learn anything
also if we could find a way to bring back culture and hype around scoring and leaderboards that could do it. look at speedruns
Seeing “The Perfect Murder” trophy in Heavy Rain got me playing it again.
And every time Disco Elysium got an update they added more achievements which was all the excuse I needed to play it again!
In the middle if Left 4 Dead. And that's what I want more of...
for example the way SMT games typically have different endgames depending on allignment, or the choice of desert or ice worlds in NSMBU
• Normal and Hard each having one of the regular stages swapped out for alternate ones.
• Multiple playable characters, one of which plays drastically different!
• Unlocking an alternate player palette each time you “beat” the game as a character.