In response to close pass reports, South Yorkshire Police are now sending this as a response (see Alt Text for easier read version).
Is this acceptable/correct?
Is this acceptable/correct?
Also worth having a sample photo, showing a car 1.5m from your bike.
What the fck happened to local hallam police that takes these passes seriously
decisions to fine should be made quickly out of court, and only go to court of contested.
I had a chat with a officer from my local force (Northumbria) a while ago about a marginal pass
He explained that they use markings on the road via Google earth to gauge distances to see if action is needed.
This is just NYP trying to avoid work frankly.
Most forces are carrying on as normal and are not facing problems with the small number of offences that go to court. That may change, though.
Passing a bike is not the same as passing a fixed object, you need to give the bike wriggle room i.e 1.5m
Passing a bike as it’s wriggling round a grid would be an ok pass of less than 1.5m
• it would be good if the officers who were assessing reports were trained in how to 'read' video evidence;
• the videos are not forensic evidence, they are evidence that the driver was involved in an incident with a cyclist;
There should be some new online workshops on how to do this from the Road Crime Reporters Network.
along with this:
Also try and contact Andy Cox, who doesn't seem to be on here yet.