This is always where this was going …..
Reposted from
Teddy Wilson
Michigan GOP State Rep. Josh Schriver:
Thomas would probably vote in the affirmative….
We can’t let this happen.
Just sayin..
Mowing my lawn and doing my part
We just want to be left alone
Why must I defend my 30 year marriage so often?
My wife manages the home and I go to work
Our kid gets lots of love and attention and is doing well
We are good members of our community
We take care of our aging parents
And my lawn is a thing of suburban beauty
Just kidding. You sound like a wonderful human being. The world needs more like you. 😁😁😁
I said that my wife and I do our part for the gay movement by being boring
They are only comfortable when they know the boundaries and rules - things must work a certain way
When people 'break' those rules they become uncomfortable and lash out
It's all fear
Something tells me MAGA churches needed the false pretense of surprise and the “I guess we should do the right thing”
“We didn’t know this could happen”
See you at the midterms. Surprises abound.
I still hope and pray (yes, pray) that I never do.
Like I said, Trump pulled so many dirty tricks in 2016 that he should be busted for SOME of it!
French politics makes American look like politics for dummies.
If I may note, you used the right words there: a ‘supposed Democrat’. There are many ways to survive and defeat fascism. This fight is about staying *alive* with dignity.
It no longer carries any significance. It was initiated by the church.
If people love one another that should be bond enough. Having the church and government involved just makes breakups worse.
Fucking maddening, man.
There are absolutely no red lines for them: marriage for all, “miscegenation,” women's rights, workers' rights, children's rights.
“We’re not going to go after Roe. We promise”
“We haven’t any idea what 2025 is, we promise”
“We’re not going after gay rights, we promise”
“I won’t be giving my son a pardon”
Republicans and mainstream media:
“Hey, you promised! That sets a bad precedent”
I wonder how plans to let that remain legal when he's eviscerating all other rights derived from the now dead "penumbra of privacy rights" w/ the overturning of Roe?
Blue States will tell them to fuck off, as everyone should.
I suppose a good response would be to OUT every GOPer in Congress?? Normally, I would never. Today? They've got it coming!!
CNN MSNBC doesn't even represent us well.
then mixed race marriage
then 'separate but equal' returns
poll taxes
Being in an interracial marriage, I'll be second in line to protest. (My wife might be #1!)
MAGA = Manufacturing Anti Gay Attitudes
They’ve only just begun.
Podcasters sayin your body my choice and being echoed in schools.
Members of congress calling to outlaw gay marriage.
This is why we are angry. The worst people are emboldened.
It would be much, much worse if this was a US Congressman, instead of some yokel elected to state office probably by 15 other yokel buddies of his.