4th "asset" Elon deliberately skipped: report shows he's so utterly compromised that he'd do/say anything he was told and would be totally owned and controlled via leverage and enforced loyalty to anyone who could promise him that he'd never suffer the public embarrassment or legal accountability.
"judge dredd" can be used to descibe a person in a position like that, but never in a positive light. the character is an exagerrated satire of violent fascist copaganda
He was their perfect guy. He is cool with paying for sex with minors, could do drugs with Elon, has zero moral compass, and could easily be manipulated and extorted into doing whatever they wanted from him as AG.
What scares me about all of the MAGA leaderships is they can say such anti American statements like wanting the Attorney General to have an axe to grind....and their followers think thats okay.
Trump and Musk continually make many phallic remarks. “Gaetz will be our HAMMER.” Sheesh. Penis envy much? Or with Musk, maybe he’s just eyeing Gaetz’s hair.
The real funny part,or not,is they have no balls,and they are all criminals who will get away with it all while punishing innocent poor citizens,and women continue losing their rights....or rather they already have erased approximately 99.5 years of advancement. All in the name of $$,for them
Nothing he says/thinks is unique. Just like his AI everything is some deconstructed variant of someone else’s idea. A shaft suspending in air, clutched hydraulically, A net of satellites around the world? Iron Man. All his AI tech? I,robot. Westworld! taken off air 6 month before #election2024
Funny how Elon liked to break out the pedo accusations against folks that disagreed or criticized him. Always projection with these pedophile drug addicts.
well, to be fair, when has E Bland Muskrat ever been right about anything.. all he knows how to do.. being an insane & evil greedy money hoarding clown...
I don't think criminal charges were ever brought against him but surely the findings in this report are 'probable cause' for the Florida AG to open a case.
Matt has a big head, not necessarily a big brain that goes beyond what’s in it for me. A flexible steel spine that bends easily, & a strong thirst for revenge.
Investigate elons whereabouts when he was in the US on a school status but dropped out and disappeared but told no one , that means he was an illegal immigrant
Aside from POTUS Leon Musky, it infuriates me when people refer to a 17 yo as a woman. She is NOT. She is a teen girl! Words are important. Adultifying her allows less complicity to what pedophile Gaetz did. He SA a teen even if she doesn’t feel like it. That is indeed what happened!
Just about all of Elon's Muskrat cult followers have 'Ideas' about the age of consent.
With that said.
The most horrifying aspect of this entire situation?
Isn't Matt's actions.
It's the inactions of those who watched him did it, and did nothing to intervene.
Musk's use of popular culture references to appear cool and 'down with the bros' is so embarrassing - especially as he generally has no freakin' idea of what he's talking about. Judge Dredd is a satire of fascist authoritarianism. If Dredd was real Musk would be a target.
Leftists need to start getting into the habit of subduing their natural inclination to think that everyone has the ability to be embarrassed; similarly that everyone agrees that rape, paedophilia, racism, sexism, etc. are wrong. To people like trump and musk, gaetz's moral turpitude is an asset.
Remember all the time spent listening to the right pretend to care about pedophiles? As they voted for a guy liable for sexual abuse, connected to multiple pedophiles, admittedly walked through girls dressing rooms, & fixated on dating his daughter. The GOP follows the pedophile Hastert Rule too.
Keystone Kriminals. They're still dangerous but they're really stupid. (I'm watching late and so glad youre on.) And celebrating this legal victory. I cannot wait to read it!.
Everybody hates Matt, nobody likes Matt, he should go eat worms.
What’s sad is even with this known throughout FL voters voted for him over an Air Force pilot and state records keeper. Yet they boast it’s Gods Country. Just with a Sodom & Gomorrah private life. There’s so much to this that already disappeared. Gaetz knows that. Let’s see where he lands.
This should tell us all we need to know. Trump is an adjudicated rapist, a convicted felon, con man..well, a criminal who likes to surround himself with criminals.
Rich entitled white men do whatever they want. They want to be serviced by women (or men) to fill their fantasies and pleasures, be used, abused, and then discarded when done. "When you're famous they let you do it." Now they're set to do it to the rest of us and MSM seems happy to help.
Nor I, but I'm on Social Security. They would rather kill me off with the other Boomers and the sick before any harm or even a discomfort happens to a CEO rich guy.
So was Trump. When you elect men of extremely low character, it's not a surprise when they surround themselves with other men of extremely low character. The only difference between Gaetz and many of his other appointees is aptitude at covering their tracks.
Dredd was principled, if wrong. If a girl was underage, she would be off limits. Yes, I know Dredd isn't real, but he still has more integrity than Gaetz.
Molly, can you please get your media friends to stop saying “under aged woman” and “paid for sex”, it’s underaged girl/child, prostitution and statutory rape! Thank you.
Thought it interesting that representative Guest said it shouldn’t have been released because they no longer had jurisdiction over him, but he also thought it shouldn’t be released when they DID have jurisdiction over him. Those pesky facts.
It speaks volumes about the moral compass of Co-Presidents Trump & Musk, that they're FINE with the sexual exploitation of children by Polititians. But if an adolescent is Transgender - their viscious vitriol knows no bounds.
There needs to be some record somewhere of these guys posting their Ls specifically to missing the entire point of decades old, beloved media. I want a We Didn't Start the Fire style song just listing the times he didn't realize who the baddies were.
So, why don't we get drunk and screw
Where I come from, that’s called letting the possum loose in the henhouse.
Could Musk be guilty of doing illegal acts that would get his citizenship revoked?
That's who Elon is.
Hence “Fathead”, a term with which I am certain you are well-acquainted.
Tell your senators to look at the competency or lack thereof of the other nominees.
Party of LAW and ORDER my ass. They are led by a criminal idiot, it makes sense that he surrounds himself with other criminals.
He fits right in with all those no integrity no spine no humanity fuckheads.
With that said.
The most horrifying aspect of this entire situation?
Isn't Matt's actions.
It's the inactions of those who watched him did it, and did nothing to intervene.
A 17 year told is a *child* in this country.
His co-worker raped a child.
Stop making that behavior palatable to people and stop being afraid to use the actual words to describe what happened
Everybody hates Matt, nobody likes Matt, he should go eat worms.
Unfortunately the old school politician has now been replaced by frat boys and PTA Karens so it doesn't quite work.
And what a deliciously catastrophic implosion it is.
Turns out all this time it was Trump trying to put the pedophiles in Government.
I bet the QAnon people are going to be So MaD… 🙄
While Musk doesn't worry his head too much about those who rape children, he absolutely salivates over those who kill them.
Woman = Child
Who would be Speaker of the House today if this had been brought to light before October 3, 2023?
So sick of the bullshit wording !!