The media is beyond aware of their behaviors at this point so they obviously have no qualms about actively participating in bringing down our democracy. The question is why.
As a former US History + Civics teacher it’s gut wrenching. Unless something courageous happens in the next 4 days it pains me to say that there is no going back. My only hope for this catastrophe is the pain will be so great that it opens everyone’s eyes as to who the true enemies are.
I told my friends and family about Project 2025 when it was released in April of 2023. Now it’s here. So many people believed his lies! Now we all pay!
A lot of people thought it was made up and Facebook and a few other sites played up to it. When some finally got their hands on copies they were speechless. A friend of mine read some of it and started to cry.
People should be prepared to be horrified and outraged in the next few weeks. But none of it should come as a surprise. It will just be a lot worse than they imagined. Surely people knew what they were voting for. Didn't they?
I really do not think they have a clue. Dems in my orbit look at me like I’m extreme for suggesting our own military will be used against us or we will become a Christian Nationalist country within a year. Until shit goes south south I don’t think they will realize what has happened. It is too late.
I can't see a way back, no. There are four years coming where rollback will be entrenched, infrastructure dismantled, rights removed, Constitutions changed. It would not surprise me if there were no further elections - but I hope not.
Agree 💯. I’m viewed as doom + gloom and I’m like are you fucking kidding me?? I’m a fairly optimistic person but realistic & I obviously do not want any of this to happen but it is happening. If they accomplish the agenda of P2025 we will not have future elections that are free + fair.
Was scrolling when my brain registered ‘Power of White’ and thought “is this a new, non-offensive catchphrase for neo-nazi skinheads? - this sh!t’s getting crazy”
So the Author of Project 2025 is poised to use his perch as the Gov't's de facto COO to implement his budget priorities, but the media doesn't think "TRUMP LIED ABOUT IMPLEMENTING PROJECT 2025" is an important headline?
It seems to me he is the most lethal of the nominees. And the one that I think is going to get through, because unlike the others, he is neither stupid nor uninformed.
If corporate media just curls up into a ball, closes their eyes and covers their ears, hopefully the big bad monster will just leave them alone and go away.
Trump: I want you to emasculate the federal government. Cut the budget by 90% and fire everybody.
Vought: Yes sir!
Trump: Also I am inventing many new agencies and departments such as the DOGE thing, an additional US Customs Service, Agency of Flying Cars, Ministry of Half-Price Car Insurance,
Secretariat of No-Bid Contracts For Elon To Get, Shoot People In The Legs Force, and Auction Off Exceptions to Tariffs and Investigations Task Force so we will need to fund all that.
Also I promised to build entire big beautiful cities where only certain people can live and not others but it's not because they're black. See to that.
I know this is paranoid and conspiracy theory-ish but I really do think Musk intends to be ruler of the world. He thinks since he has so much wealth, he must have that much merit, and obviously the best man of all should be the leader. Trump should be careful he doesn't get a dart in the neck soon.
majority of budget is Defense. Trump isn't gonna cut D, he's gonna coddle & feed them attention that trough. He's gonna push them to lighten regs so Musk & Bezos get a big bite. He's gonna turnaround and move Space Force to Ala, Sen Gooberville has that favor. Lockheed buying favors today.
So, Vought is there to control the purse strings and both consolidate power into fewer people's hands, while picking winners and losers for funding of government agencies based on loyalty tests or some other arbitrary measure.
This seems fine, everything is fine. Just another day in Trumpistan.
Fast tracking Project 2025 with the chief architect onboard. In less than 4 years, the economy will fail because that’s what happens when money is extracted at the expense of everyone else. The 1% will get more money & the peons cheer it on & get stuck with the bill.
And they won’t learn a thing.
“America cannot be saved unless the current grip of woke and weaponized government is broken,” Mr. Vought wrote. “That is the central and immediate threat facing the country — the one that all our statesmen must rise tall to vanquish.”
Just pointing out that Trump doesn't intend to "upend the Federal Bureaucracy". He intends to upend a liberal bureaucracy and replace it with an ultra conservative one.
I hadn't heard of this one, but I assume you're talking about this show (after Googling)?
*Because it's on Amazon, I'll not be watching it because we do not support that company with our money.
Too bad actors, directors, etc still sell out to them.
Wish I was a bear.
I'd go into hibernation on Monday, the 20th, morning and not emerge until the 2026 elections to participate then go back into my cave if the Dems lose once again.
Dems! Wake up and do something!
I will never EVER forget those who voted against Harris/Waltz, or those who didn’t even VOTE - they are traitors against our country. They deserve the worst.
These people coming up with these plans, must NOT believe that there is a possibility that they will be gone in 4 yrs. D's win in 2028, put it all back . Or am I missing something ?
This is what a Weekend at Bernie’s presidency will be like. Powerful, greedy people with agendas collapse the govt from the inside out-while simultaneously ensuring that they & their wealthy friends benefit from privatization, etc. And all while the dear leader golfs- with occasional camera time.
Hmmmmm, so he’s another henchman for the GOP. “an architect of Project 2025. That document was an effort by conservative groups to develop detailed policy ideas and executive actions that Mr. Trump could take to tear down and rebuild executive government institutions”
You can call me panicked if you want to. But I will be stocking up on non perishables with a 5 year shelf life because he is going to be the end of us. If the sky doesn’t fall, great! But I’m preparing as if it is going to. The end is nigh!
Trump is also dumb, stupid and idiotic enough to believe everything will just work out and well it’s not going to. At least not the way he believes it will. Violence from rebellion is next bc most of the country isn’t going to just sit quietly as he destroys our way of life.
To fair, he doesn’t care if it works out for _us_. All it has to do us work out for him. (Which it already has, unless the billionaires decide to take him out in favor of Vance…)
this burly man came up to me with tears in his eyes and said “sir no one has ever ruined my life as completely as you,” he was right out of central casting, many people are saying it’s the best depression ever, like no one has ever seen before
The SCOTUS has decided that "impounding" funds approved by Congress is an illegal usurpation of Congressional authority.
But the criminal wants to do it anyway.
Lock him up.
Well, SCOTUS once decided that. Our current SCOTUS will find some obscure 16th century Catholic mystic to quote to claim the earlier ruling was flawed and the Constitution clearly states that Pres Trump can do whatever he wants.
“…vastly shrink the federal government. He wants to cull its work force, claim “impoundment” authority to allow the executive branch to claw back congressionally approved funding for government agencies and overhaul the so-called administrative state.”
"Upend the federal bureaucracy"? How about upend the U.S. Constitution, which itself delegates authority over the federal budget to Congress, not to the Executive branch? This is a power grab!
Vought is the guy that everyone says can really destroy the U.S. government. Everybody hears about the Office of Management and Budget but most people don't really understand what a powerful position it is.
This was/is Trump’s smoke screen throw grossly unqualified nominees in to cover for the dangerous ones. Democrats who always follow the bright shiny object go chasing like a cat with a laser.
Republicans are evil. They have destroyed the country. That’s why I don’t want to hear ANYMORE bullshit about working together or reaching across the aisle. Democrats that do so are idiots. They will never get credit for what little they will accomplish. Obstruct and let the filth reap their sins.
Democrats need to be ready to file Articles of Impeachment on Day 1. Also hit the Musk Regimes with never ending lawsuits and opposition. Oppose everything and everyone.
If drunkard Pete is confirmed it’s game over as they will control the military & weapons. It’s all laid out in P2025. Their plans are to make this a Christian Nationalist country under a Fascist regime. There’s nothing to stop them - even the courts - from achieving their goals.
agreed. It will be almost impossible to fix the disaster that's headed your way. Here in Canada, the same Rs have been exercising the same tactic - worrisome.
IMO it’s too late & the point of no return is when they confirm Neo-Nazi Pete who has less than zero morals + character. That drunk will turn our military on us without hesitation. Not sure what it’s going to take for the masses to comprehend what’s about to happen.
Right now they are trying to conjure up some health/pandemic emergency to give a reason to enact a national emergency that will give him powers to do whatever the fuck he wants - expect that to happen next week along with the 100 Executive orders
That is the truth the enemy is here already living growing since we allowed their existence corporate person hood a pack of immortal vampires directed by law to always make a profit. They don't need to be an invasion. They just need to stop delivering cocaine and heroin and methamphetamine.
This assumes that we will free and fair elections in 2026.
That's assuming a LOT.
One of the edicts of Project 2025 is to take over the election process so that only the "right people" can win.
i live in NC, where a state Supreme Court GOP loser is trying to throw out votes from voters who registered before 2000, but ONLY the absentee & early; NOT the 'day of'.
To finalize their 50 year mission to remove everything that keeps things healthy, safe, and fair, allowing a handful of wealthy and powerful to pick the bones of what’s left of this country.
Since no one will ever be held accountable by the weak and ineffective US Justice system, do we really need to know what crimes will never be investigated or charged.
As Tim Snyder ("On Tyranny") says,there needs to be a shadow govt. Gather as much info & evidence as possible for use later.
Make a big deal about the crimes even if they go off the radar quickly. It adds up.
"Evil triumphs when good men do nothing."
"Silence is permission"
Refuse to be silent!
Vought, aka the architect of Project 2025, backs the unitary executive theory (all power resides in POTUS, no co-equal branches), and impoundment (POTUS doesn’t have to spend what Congress authorizes), and was caught on video admitting he is drafting orders in secret to avoid public records laws.
Not sure if I’m more pissed at Vought or the Dems in office & Dem voters not understanding this is the guy who knows how to dismantle our entire govt. He’s been working on this the past 4 years. It’s all laid out in P2025 which he wrote. We are at DefCon2 careening into DefCon 1.
He needs to re-read the constitution. My interpretation is that most power resides in Congress. All the president is required for is his signature placing legislation into law.
Vought believes in “radical constitutionalism” in that he thinks the Left destroyed the Constitutional order and we need radical measures to restore it.
Pencil pushers are an important part of bureaucracy and Russ Voigt has pencil lead running through his veins. He's a very small and timid man that likes to use numbers as his secret power. I have news for Mr. Voigt, a ten dollar calculator is the cock block to his dreams. Programs must be paid for
They didn't cheat, Democrats were fucking entitled elitists. We can do no wrong, we know what's best. If you can't come through the other side of this election and know why you lost there is something wrong
Why though, why? Why are the Democrats just watching the train wreck. It is pointless having a long game if there is going to be nothing but rubble left to play with.
I’ll repeat my earlier FUCK YOU to every single person who just couldn’t bring themselves to vote. I will never forgive any of you. We would have an entirely different future if not for you.
Guess what! African dictatorships just like Putin and North Korea have no gov bureaucracy too. They function like the Trump organization: All orders come directly from the dear leader ti the small group of family and loyalists who work under him.
But earlier you said "a small group of loyalists." I'm pointing out that's not really the case. It's a large group of loyalists. That's all I'm saying.
article linked in this thread.....Vought goal, along with Mark Paloetta as general counsel running SCOTUS interference is to use the OMB to circumvent congress for Trumps priorities, formerly illegal/unconsitiutional but with this congress and norm
Vought has 100+ Executive Orders ready for day one. He has no interest in passing legislation. He expects First Felon Trump to dictate by fiat and bypass Congress.
The maga-despicable party in Congress will be more than happy to oblige, because working is the LAST thing they have ever wanted to do.
They will burn it all down to entrench their position, the irony under the new system is that they go from being owners to custodians of wealth and privilege. As such a mercurial decision from the leader and it can all be taken away. In eschewing some control they've now lost control.
I think it's past the point where your voiced opinions can beat the shrieking media ecosystem that points to woke trans and migrants as the problem. Don't blame yourself or the like minded. The rich are doing what they've always done, buy immunity from laws and taxes at the expense of society.
The sub header here about "upending" the federal bureaucracy suggests a meaningful metaphor of turning over tables and chairs in a fit of fury. We know and understand this umbrage is directed at safety net programs that makes potential workers more dependent on wages that don't meet their needs.
1. Wow, we didn’t see that coming
2. Who could’ve known
3. What could the Dems have done to prevent this
They are a sneaky bunch of facists.
It's a lot of everything all at once and hard to keep up with but it's all right there.
Trump.and his evil minions will never dazzle anyone with brilliance, so they baffle them with bullshit .
Just another instance of corporate media malfeasance?
Consistently describing the abnormal as common serves to normalize the abnormal.
Vought: Yes sir!
Trump: Also I am inventing many new agencies and departments such as the DOGE thing, an additional US Customs Service, Agency of Flying Cars, Ministry of Half-Price Car Insurance,
Vought: Yes sir!
This seems fine, everything is fine. Just another day in Trumpistan.
Thats pretty clearly false and I doubt even the Roberts Court would just roll over on that.
And they won’t learn a thing.
Christian Nationalism. That’s what he represents.
*Because it's on Amazon, I'll not be watching it because we do not support that company with our money.
Too bad actors, directors, etc still sell out to them.
I'd go into hibernation on Monday, the 20th, morning and not emerge until the 2026 elections to participate then go back into my cave if the Dems lose once again.
Dems! Wake up and do something!
(Also, none of y'all better get us sued.)
Oppose Project 2025
There - fixed it.
And, like America, the media won’t recover for generations… if at all.
We have scrimped. Saved. Drive in cars long paid off. Try to live within our means. Yet we are the enemy? For service to country vs to a clown?
We are the ants these grasshoppers want to destroy.
Somehow, me wanting to serve the country makes me evil. It is just crazy.
I don’t care if these people want to punch themselves in the dick for eternity, just leave me out of the dick punching festival
we all know where THEY will place the blame. won't be true of course.
But the criminal wants to do it anyway.
Lock him up.
Since we have a king they aren't necessary (and neither is SCOTUS)
Not super concerning AT ALL. 😳
Sweet jumpin’ Judas! Senate, just say NO.
There are no functioning checks on media - major and social alike were weaponized successfully against Democracy.
Here's some more
i plan to resist for the next 2 years.
these people are intimidated by the 4 year time frame, but he will be impeached a 3rd time in 2027...
That's assuming a LOT.
One of the edicts of Project 2025 is to take over the election process so that only the "right people" can win.
i live in NC, where a state Supreme Court GOP loser is trying to throw out votes from voters who registered before 2000, but ONLY the absentee & early; NOT the 'day of'.
guess how imbalanced those votes are...
I'm so sorry you're stuck dealing with it. Hang in there!
Hegseth at defense.
Who else would be needed to make a lot of money disappear? (Hypothetically speaking of course)
Make a big deal about the crimes even if they go off the radar quickly. It adds up.
"Evil triumphs when good men do nothing."
"Silence is permission"
Refuse to be silent!
"Revolution" takes different forms and we're a long way from needing where we need where I believe you're going with that
But it isn’t going to happen.
I’ll repeat my earlier FUCK YOU to every single person who just couldn’t bring themselves to vote. I will never forgive any of you. We would have an entirely different future if not for you.
Part of me is disgusted by the lack of fight.
I feel that has to be buried. Nothing is more important than fighting against this shitshow looming on the horizon.
Oh. Murdered.
I would say their bureaucracy is now better and more technical than ours under trump
Just sayin'.
But earlier you said "a small group of loyalists." I'm pointing out that's not really the case. It's a large group of loyalists. That's all I'm saying.
the q is, is the president obliged to execute laws passed by our elected representatives, or does Constitution vest royal prerogatives?
Ds should stay in interrogative mood
Here is a reference to Project 2025 if you want to know what will affect you.,14,18,6,5,15,8,3,16,17,27,10,20,4,1,21,2,9,11,26,23,22,13,7,25
The maga-despicable party in Congress will be more than happy to oblige, because working is the LAST thing they have ever wanted to do.