It’s worksite enforcement, an inefficient use of resources. ICE has been there and done that and stopped because it doesn’t work. Journalists should follow up and see that it’s more of the same - catch and release. No bed space and no immigration judges available
As with Texas, send an impression of a hard line on immigration is politically popular, but actually deporting undocumented workers is economically untenable. Thus starting in Chicago, not in a red state.
What kind of clever planner lets out all the details days before the plan is to be executed? What's their real agenda here? And did anybody schedule getting the calliope tuned over the weekend?
Well, how many can they deport before they run out of money? Or room? And who's flying these people back? The armed forces? "Lol." Or businesses? If the latter, tfg had better have the money upfront. They know his track record when it comes to paying vendors.
Maybe if we had less Erin Burnett style *journalists at the ready to expolit every single moment for maximum emotionification we could recieve this incoming news as the stunt (and depravity) that it is.
WaPo will not be covering this
They are now a literary daily, telling happy stories to America's White Christian Nationalist
Will they be writing it on a 6th grade level of reading skills
what a mess
Here in Chicagoland, nonprofits have been conducting "Know Your Rights" training for the undocumented population in churches, on campus and in community venues.
After going to a couple training to listen & learn, I hate the incoming administration more than I can articulate.
Si querían generar miedo por las deportaciones, si lo tengo y no lo oculto
Es la incertidumbre, de que en cualquier momento serás el elegido/a para ser deportado y en las condiciones precarias de una celda, donde esperaras ser enviado de vuelta a tú patria, en contra de tú voluntad
Molly, you’re telling me that journalists are reporting a major 47 administration ICE ‘raid,’ and in reality it’s a typical ICE operation?
I thought journalists reported facts not hyperbole. Please stop sharing information obtained from the WSJ or the LA Times. The Boston Globe is one alternative.
They do get tried if the individual hasn’t already been ordered to leave. These will likely be arrests (rather than civil proceedings, because Trump thinks clogging the criminal courts looks tough even when it takes resources from far higher risk cases) to kick off deportation proceedings.
But wait until they get no pushback and increase that number into the thousands.
Thousands of armed goons, as well as citizen Brown Shirt volunteers roaming the streets looking for "illegals" (anyone without a MAGA hat) to arrest, bully, harass, beat...
How strange... red states that complained so loudly about how dangerouse and costly these migrant are, seem to be the very ones that want these deportations done in blue states.
Would you rather not even let them try and keep these madmen as far away from power as possible or risk it on the basis "that they don't have the means to do that"?
Our black lesbian mayor
Our other black mayor
Rahm Emanuel
Our billionaire governor
Ppl of color-duh
Michelle and her husband
Let’s all remember 2 things:
1. he does not care about the violence he mischaracterizes.
2. Chicago hates him too.
He thinks he’s Capone, we don’t.
GOP budget hawks are going to clash with the MAGAs over this and the huge increase they want for military spending.
Such infighting may be the only thing that saves us from goon squads in the streets.
They are now a literary daily, telling happy stories to America's White Christian Nationalist
Will they be writing it on a 6th grade level of reading skills
what a mess
After going to a couple training to listen & learn, I hate the incoming administration more than I can articulate.
Es la incertidumbre, de que en cualquier momento serás el elegido/a para ser deportado y en las condiciones precarias de una celda, donde esperaras ser enviado de vuelta a tú patria, en contra de tú voluntad
I thought journalists reported facts not hyperbole. Please stop sharing information obtained from the WSJ or the LA Times. The Boston Globe is one alternative.
Thousands of armed goons, as well as citizen Brown Shirt volunteers roaming the streets looking for "illegals" (anyone without a MAGA hat) to arrest, bully, harass, beat...
Then imagine that in every blue city/state.