Taxes provide for infrastructure, water systems, airports, security, healthcare,… all things the rich also utilise. Confiscate their wealth & homes to pay their back taxes & you’d have a great economy. If you live in a society, you contribute.
Anyone with an elderly parent knows that phones are a preference for communication over websites and any potential (and likely abysmal) AI drivel replacement planned
There are some Social Security services that can NOT be done online. An appointment must be made OVER THE PHONE for things like changing a child’s birth certificate or assigning a rep payee.
The idea that SS can 'run out of money' is pure Reaganomics bullshit which Dems fully ingested and can't seem to quit. We're idiots. Reps NEVER pay for tax cuts. Why? Because they don't give a shit about 'the deficit' which is also bullshit invented for the purpose of dismantling social programs.
Tesla stock sells for 80x earnings. Most his wealth is Tesla stock. Did someone say Ponzi scheme? Tesla makes more than half its cars in China, and is building the world's largest battery plant in China. Sales in Europe are crashing. The stock should plummet. Trump boycotts are illegal. Enforce that
Are people across the board waking up? None of the work of Elon Musk is informed or intelligent! It is about finding a way to privatize Social Security. It is about finding money in the government to justify the tax cuts for billionaires.
I can't emphasize enough, how this will destroy the lives of SS recipients. It is hard to navigate the system, the website sucks, going to the offices are hard for a lot of people &many are closing. Once you get a phone rep, they are very helpful! It's worth waiting(hours)as they can fix things.
It may be time to stop pretending this is about a tax cut. These Oligarchs can more than afford to pay some extra son tax. This is about domination, and power in the world order. They are ok for us to be sick and die, they just want our data and any bit of treasure they can hoard from us.
Since when did the wealthy really give a thought to the masses? So you really think they can relate to you and your life? You strive to pay your bills, feed your family and be a good friend and citizen. Billionaires absolutely cannot and do not relate.
We had a friend whose Tesla stopped suddenly — on its own —when he was going 75 mph in auto pilot. When he called to report it, they told him that he had signed an agreement acknowledging that auto pilot was in Beta mode and basically go🖕 yourself.
In a happy hypothetical future, maybe we treat moneymen like children of the corn. When you get a billion of moneys, you are shoved into a field where you are consumed.
While this psycho cunt felon muskolini repugninazis & 🍊nazi hurt good people, loser baby toddler spoiled brat skum cries waahh so mean to me (i mean.. the irony!) over this:
I hope the entire population of senior citizens come out with their wheelchairs, cane, robes, bear spray, guns, super soaker, etc & swarm to the Capital building & raise hell!! 🤬
I hope they choose not to come out next Nov and cost the GOP both houses and a bunch of down ballot positions but, all depends on what voting changes happen before then
It really does seem specifically cruel. My 91 year old Mom will not use a computer; luckily my siblings and I live close by and help her out, but not everyone has that luxury.
Whatever the cost of this phone service it's a pisshole in the snow compared to anything in the defense budget. And if there's not enough money for a social security helpline, there is absolutely not enough money to buy thousands of Musk's penis extension trucks.
The democrats need to start asking them why they want people to die. Seriously. That’s what will happen. And they’re taking no heat for it. They’re actually taking glee in it. These cuts are appalling.
Is it about tax cuts? It feels like it’s about sabotaging every system that helps us in order for Americans to become dependent on and compliant to Dictator Trump. Tax cuts for the rich? Same song different year.
The GOP doesn't care about a balanced budget.
This isn't about matching the billionaires tax cut with cuts in spending.
It's about making a fuss & smokescreen about cuts to satisfy Chip Roy's base, so that Roy & others will fall in line behind Felontrump's little Johnson, and not need Dem votes.
Ending phone service will be bad for seniors and others who don’t have a computer or internet access. It will also make it more difficult to resolve complex situations where you really need to speak with a human.
Why? What could possibly be the motivation to end phone service at Social Security offices? What happened to someone in their life to be so fucking hateful? It can't just be greed, there is something more. This is not human.
Seniors, and their adult children need to make a LOT of calls and noise. We cannot let these lying, billionaire thieves rob us of our Social Security and Medicare that we have worked many decades to earn. Tell our Reps & Senators “DOGE needs to go now”. No more excuses from Congress. GET DOGE OUT
muskrat, and the incel dog boys better realize real fucking fast, most of the veterans they be will fucking with were trained to kill.. we need a long range sniper Luigi right the fuck NOW
Very much like Putin's Russia, Musk and Trump will oversee a lot of poverty, and life expectancy going down. And the sooner you die, the less Medicare and SS you pay, and the more money there is to buy rockets we don't need from Musk.
Musks cutting the cost of Social Security offices Phone service! for Beneficiaries to obtain the Information already logged in.The richest man in the world,creating havic in the lives of the Middle class Mass job losses he himself created,makes it imperative that ppl get their Unemployment checks.
#GOTVBlue2025 Start Now
The oligarchs are taking over the last bit of America left. The EPA announcement today about gutting all environmental regulations so that billionaire oil & chemical tycoons can make even more underscores the class warfare taking place..
Americans need to rebel now- blue states lead the charge!
They did do the same in New Zealand. Give wealthy landlords tax cuts, and severely cut spending on health, education, research, conservation, poverty and more. 😥😥
I no longer believe this is just about tax cuts. This is about dismantling the federal government, except for defense, immigration and commerce. Stripped to the bare minimum and removing all barriers against the oligarchy
You are absolutely correct, and it’s so much worse than that. Several independent journalists have been warning about it, but it hasn’t reached major media outlets outside of tech-focused ones. Here are some links to help people become informed about the oligarchs’ plans.
i think we should stop saying this. republicans never need to “pay for” anything they do. they are doing this because they hate welfare programs, and that’s what we should be saying. they hate when the govt does good things for us.
Getting rid of phone service and closing offices are not cost cutting measures. It’s making social security inaccessible. They are also talking about eliminating direct deposit (which is cheaper than checks) as they break the postal system. None of this is about efficiency or savings.
Only in your country, not in my country, France, or any EU one, this can happen, and it happened:
A totalitarian, dictatorial regime, run by billionaires, laid off thousands, for no reason, who now face joblessness, hunger, and homelessness, is opening a car dearlership for a billionaire in the WH.
I don't disagree. But I really feel strongly that the messaging has to be m specific to the negative impact of regular people. The why is the billionaire tax cut, but the what is the middle finger to the 99%. That's the message that turns heads.
As a caregiver for my parents, when my father died, the phone was crucial for me while settling Social Security matters. It is almost impossible to cart 91 yr olds from office to office. Govt should care for us, about us, and make life easier. Govt should be a non-profit organization.
Some of the older clients at my insurance agency still call every month to make their payments over the phone. Ending phone service for an agency for a demographic that didn't grow up online will be a disaster
And that is $4 trillion dollars they need.! At that rate They would need to eliminate ALL programs to cover that bill (excluding defense and space x of course).
Clearly, the Grand Plan is to cripple Social Security. And when people complain it isn’t working,then privatize it. Enter the Venture Capitalist to take over and suck it dry
And a takeover of government programs to be privatized by oligarchs and cronies of Trump/GOP. In plain language - I am not a lawyer but I would think this is grand theft and/or grand larceny and/or embezzlement and who knows what else? This is not in best interests of vast majority of ANYONE.
Musk,Trump & the Republicans are eliminating 30-50% of the federal government services for “We the people.”The federal tax base for the middle class will not change. It will not be lowered. We will be paying for much-much less. Trump & his billionaire bros will be pocketing our tax dollars.
And they are spending hours of air time on FOX News conditioning people to believe that they need to give up these programs and suffer for the greater good. It's their duty. Meanwhile, we are just paying for tax cuts for the ultra wealthy. Ridiculous
Molly I think this about more than just tax cuts for wealthy! This is a coup! Who is going to stop them? Not GOP in Congress! The Orange Felon & Nazi Billionaire are pushing Americans to rise up, then the Felon can enact Martial Law…. Dictator on day one🤦🏽♀️🤷🏻♀️
8-10 million Americans depend on Social Security as their sole source of income. Why aren't we hearing from them and their children, who are either leeching off them or will have to take them in when they can't afford to live on their own?
Unfortunately the president we now have is determined to kill the elderly & disabled. He loves the young beautiful and Caucasian. He has ridiculed the disabled publicly. Taking away medical care, social security and Snap benefits is a death sentence to people already living below the poverty level
Why not tax billionaires then go back and make cuts to defense and space programs … then see if we have enough for basic programs for the elderly and basic healthcare like every nation in Scandinavia and Western Europe has.
I'm preaching to the choir, but I want these words to be picked up and spread like dandelion seeds. Billionaires' are taxed at a marginal rate of 37% for any income over $609,351. That bracket used to be much higher, yet even 37% is too much for these greedy twats.
If we taxed everyone on their full income rather than cutting it off at an arbitrary level, we could fund it for generations taking into account inflationary increases for benefits. I say it again, it would take Musk over 1,300 years to spend his wealth if he were to spend 1 million dollars a day.
Musk's "savings" won't cover the tax cuts. The debt will continue to explode. We got here through decades of increased spending and increased tax cuts. The way out is decades of decreased spending (looking at you military) and increasing taxes.
Absolutely this.They're going to the AI model that prompted that one guy to take action on UHC.Prior authorization was denied via AI. Then appeals are denied via AI.It uses code for conditions,etc.If the code isn't right,deny.They're doing it to SS next.This will make disability claims impossible.
It really is much, much darker than that. That want to dominate, to rule, to have no constraints - to pollute, to harm, to do whatever they want to others - with no consequences. Taxes are just a drop in their feudal slurry dreams
Beware! The cruel and corrupt Republicans in Congress are attempting to decimate and destroy Medicaid, the ACA, social programs and the economic safety net in order to give massive tax cuts to the selfish wealthy and greedy corporations. Shameful and vile! They must be stopped!
It’s time for those of us who earned our social security and those who hope to get it to take to the streets nationwide! Keep your dirty hands off our money Musk!
I do not..nor will I ever..understand why getting Americans to comprehend their very existence and well-being is being sacrificed for giving(even more)money to the richest people in the country.
Is the hatred for Grandma and Grandpa, disabled Vets, and poor children so great?
I guess so.
A big part of the problem is that millions suffer from "It Can't Happen Here" syndrome regarding a blatant fascist dictator first destroying our country's government and then seizing total control of as much of our wealth and resources as possible.
What’s there to cut? They have all the write offs from when the top tax rate was 91% and all the write offs they’ve put in since. The only thing I can think of is…
I just spoke to a customer service rep while changing my direct deposit between bank and credit union (I hope it goes through before everything collapses.) Asked the rep if they were hanging in there. They seemed to think they were safe because they are "essential". Sad for them. Sad for us.
Marching on DC NOW!!!
Mar 14, 15, 16: Go to for details!!!
Fight!!! Fight!!!! Fight!!!!
The GOP Cult is giving you enough rope for them to hang themselves... take advantage of it!!!
beginning to realize it.
It's going to take years to fix what children are breaking in weeks.
This is what Elon Musk is doing to America.
Honest question and pondering 🙏
No phone service is insane🤡🤡
virtually all our debt is the result of the bush and Trump tax cuts. We should tax the ever loving fuck out of all of them.
Hahahahahahahahahahaa piss off, Nazis. Nazi car, Nazi you.
This isn't about matching the billionaires tax cut with cuts in spending.
It's about making a fuss & smokescreen about cuts to satisfy Chip Roy's base, so that Roy & others will fall in line behind Felontrump's little Johnson, and not need Dem votes.
Help our Congress fight MAGA
Get louder! Get tough on GOP!
Call everyday at #5Calls
#OrganizeAgainstMAGA #StopProject2025
Support those running against
These days, Senators are almost as expensive as eggs.
#GOTVBlue2025 Start Now
Americans need to rebel now- blue states lead the charge!
Organize in person.
Create alternative communication networks.
They can't stop Arbor Day!
Don't have to pay Social Security if people can't get hold of someone to accept and process the claims.
A totalitarian, dictatorial regime, run by billionaires, laid off thousands, for no reason, who now face joblessness, hunger, and homelessness, is opening a car dearlership for a billionaire in the WH.
What an effing disaster.
Liar-in-Chief = Disaster. Trumplosion.
Elon Musk = Muskplosion.
Poor widdle willionaires ...
We do a crappy job of taking care of the elderly in this country.
A government shutdown is not the fault of weakling Dems who still love the Constitution, it belongs only to the Nazis, fascists, nuts & boobs of MAGA.
Join a protest, right here, right now. (Copy this & repost under your name.)
We have the worst humans in charge.
"Sure , here's all my info..."
Vile, Despicable Fuckwads
Cannot tell you how furious I am tonight.
Is the hatred for Grandma and Grandpa, disabled Vets, and poor children so great?
I guess so.
Another part is refusing to see insanity.