If you have some retirement savings you can call and ask them to take you out of Tesla stock. Why should you be financing an autocratic takeover of your government?
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List of state retirement/pension funds that have Tesla as one of their top 10 holdings. Unfortunately the data only goes to 2022 and this data is from that year. It shows the overwhelming investment in the Mag 7 tech stocks. If you are in one of these systems inform them you do not want them
Like recycling, an individual's impact compared to large institutions is minimal in overall effectiveness. However, the individual satisfaction of not contributing is extremely comforting to not be adding to the problem. To get real change, especially in regards to the Tesla stock price drop
is to put pressure on these large funds to dump their stock. A large block of shares would need to show lack of confidence to get the price to really drop. Contacting the funds where your money is held and putting pressure on them to divest of the stock is what needs to happen. This will be very
difficult but necessary to get that next snowball of #teslatakedown to start rolling downhill. What has been done has been fantastic and everyone's work is to be applauded. This has been amazing to see. Pressuring large funds is like writing or calling reps instead of protesting at their office.
Vanguard is the worst for this. They hold FAANG, Tesla and many other corrupt organization ETFs. Everyone should move their 401(k) into a savings account until we're done with the "troubles".
This is a ridiculous strategy. Vanguard has literally hundreds if not thousands of funds, as do Fidelity, JP Morgan, etc. Going to cash will result in huge capital gains (in taxable funds). can choose plenty of funds who don't hold these stocks.Just reallocate. And do your homework as to holdings
That was exactly my point. I never said anything about "cashing out" anyone's 401K...merely moving to funds that dont' hold FAANG, Tesla, etc....or moving to bonds, savings funds or the like.
Seeing how bent the regime is over a little resistance to Tesla makes me think that, oh, yes, boycotts and other economic protests are so worth doing! This is something we can do! We need to identify where to focus and let the targets know WHY.
List can be accomplished concurrently! Support and encourage all congress who step up. Work to primary the ineffectual. Oregon freshman Dem. Rep. Janelle Bynum has recently said, “ Let me help you out or let me help you OUT!”
I'm very selective/careful in any of my retirement accounts. I ensure that I avoid any of the fascist companies bowing down to Trump and assisting with the destruction of the country.
I tried that and since most of my retirement money is in funds, individual stocks can't be separated but the type of funds will dictate what industries they invest in and you can change your fund investments.
Educate the uneducated 👇🏼
Just a small overview.
Corporate America should not be running the country!
Project 2025 is just getting started. (No guardrails, really).
Heading to Dictatorship.
America will become Russia 2.0
I would think a proper fund manager would divest a failing stock. Do they honestly think it will come back? With all the better EV choices available now?
Any corporate entity who decides to involve their company in sponsorship as in the Easter Egg Roll should know the American people find it unacceptable.
Our White House will be RESPECTED and is NOT for sale.
I’m calling for ANY sponsor to be boycotted indefinitely!
Any person who attends is the same - or will invites only go to administration kids so it looks well attended - with a token few people of color thrown in for photo ops?
Indeed, there is, in fact, unbounded risk in short-selling a stock. It also requires having other (perhaps substantial) assets to post as collateral for borrowing the shares for sale, something many Musk-averse investors are unlikely to have.
For my point, that's to market, and countries that allow it.
But my point was also about, individuals selling preferred,
or buying if similarly knowledgeable and where's that freedom now, for consumer; the American?!
Or individual buyer of stock. So these large corporate tax-cuts are now Trumps com
In your thread is they, their voter, and so,not they themselves and their political beliefs, but their voter; also, is the devil qualified, to make these cuts, point of religious argument!
Sorry, to post again, yeah, like I really am.
But I think, not enough risk, because of how it affects futures is kept from someone, the individual in United States. Kept from us all, but contained in their object oriented realm of discontinuity of christian belief for christ to profit here.
Also pre
preferred that knowledge is kept from us, in order for the love for money the root of evil to prosper more, and how America is bad for 1 timezone for the world, deleting major civil rights, and adulterating the rest, despite by there was once manifest a national intent.
And so God, if not all of us.
Yup! The Musk DOGE is not unlike when other CEOs who have nothing to offer to keep a corporation profitable - often fall back on cutting expenditures to give the temporary/false facade of increased profits. It's a dodge not a DOGE ~peace out~
Not a good strategy. Your money will lose value due to inflation if you pull it out altogether. Move to low risk investments if you’re concerned (bonds), savings in CDs if you’re close to retirement age.
My financial advisor did just that about 8 weeks ago knowing it was not about money for me. It’s never about the money when empathy for others guide your morals.
If you feel strongly enough about this you could figure out the dollar value of all TSLA holdings in your finds, divide by share price to get the number of shares, and then short that many shares.
Shorting isn’t risky against when done against *what you already own*.
If your mutual funds hold a combined $24,800 in TSLA that’s 100sh. If you then short 100sh and TSLA goes up $10 you’ll lose $1000 on the short and gain $1000 on the funds’ TSLA holdings. And the reverse if it goes down $10.
Even better: there are inverse stock ETFs that let you profit when Tesla shares go down. They are risky, but you can't lose more than your investment, unlike shorting the stock directly. They are TSLS, TSLQ, and TSLZ.
When you’re shorting stock you already own you can’t lose (or gain) money on the overall position.
If the amount of Tesla in all your mutual funds is (say) 100sh and you short 100sh, then if Tesla goes up $1 you lose $100 on the short but gain $100 on the Tesla the funds hold. Reverse if down $1.
Yep👍 Did that last week.
Also removed anything that benefits the 🇺🇸 oligarchy including the orange king wannabe stock.
With a year left to planned retirement, I need to keep my account safe.
Thinking of switching to fully safe FDIC secure account but, IS IT? 🥺
There are plenty of good funds that don't invest in Tesla. Ironically Tesla, Meta and Amazon don't pay dividends, so sticking to dividend index funds eliminates those a-holes.
yep, the wet dream the financial world dreamt of and made reality withthe 401K program. Try to get out of the market into commodities only or EU markets, nope you really can't unless you quit your job and rollover to IRA.
This. I wish people realized this was one of the reasons why companies got rid of pensions and push 401ks…if you are invested in a companies success, you aren’t going to push back and cause that company to lose value. It makes people good little worker bees, among other things.
The ability to fine grain control the investments are what we got robbed out of by the vanguards, fidelities, and blackrocks. Imagine if people could divest from say a Tesla in their 401K with click of a button. Too much power to the people.
Every such fund has different policies. What's more important, fair labor practices or carbon neutrality? What's more objectionable, tobacco or guns? Do your research and make your choices.
We are selling our 2018 Model X which we bought when we thought the muskrat was sane-ish and wanted a vehicle that was better for the environment. Ironic that it is now loved by the GOP. Upside down world we live in.
It would be financially prudent to exit Tesla stock. I am sure the missing $1.4 billion will not be the last financial impropriety discovered. And he has destroyed the brand.
I got rid of my Tesla last week and took a beating on the trade in for another brand EV.
The best beating I ever took.
I know there’s many others who would like to get rid of their Tesla as well but aren’t able for financial reasons, so don’t assume they’re supporting a Nazi. They’re just trapped.
We purchased ours 13 years ago, have 180,000+ miles and still get free charging at all Tesla chargers. Unplugged at home and utilizing the superchargers 8 miles away. I feel good that we can keep reaping that benefit. I remember when the right raged against us for driving it.
I ageee. My spouse turned in her lease early and paid the price. Well worth getting rid of it if folks are financially able to. She has an Ionic 6 now.
I was watching the lying gonifs on CNBC Friday saying that it’s just anecdotal about this happening, and playing the clip (multiple times) of Musk telling Tesla employees to hold onto their stock.
They’ll get ENRONed if they listen to that Nazi bastard.
Tesla is finished as a car company worldwide.
It’s kinda nice EV brands are now willing to give Tesla owners 5k just to trade in their Tesla…so hopefully that helps with the loss. I know it’s not altruistic, but I’ll take one ceo taking down another that’s pure evil lol
As someone on the spectrum myself I should probably feel insulted LOL. Doubtless a few of them are (not a majority though, kinda hard making enough money when autistic), but autism has never been an excuse for assholism anyways.
As a former shareholder, I can say that Prez Musk hasn’t cared about Tesla for a long time. He cares even less now that he has figured out a way to siphon oceans of cash from American taxpayers
You can switch to indexes that don't include Tesla, like VDADX. Or just sell all your ones funds and hold cash/money market to prepare for the likely crash that's coming.
a video by @tiffanycianci on TikTok about "back floating rate loans" and how there is a bubble in the pension system that is about to pop. I've split it into 3 minute segments below.
This all takes me back to the sixties. It's a real power to the people moment! Or a Howard Beal moment--"We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore!" Republican congress persons no longer support their constituents, so we must make our power felt. Support our independent judiciary!
TSLA Earnings Date
Tesla, Inc. Common Stock is estimated to report earnings on 04/22/2025. The upcoming earnings date is derived from an algorithm based on a company's historical reporting dates.
We have until April 22nd to get this Tesla stock low as we can America.
Our media has failed us! Musk is literally, gleefully killing people. Prancing around with a chainsaw giggling is literally deeply evil. It needs to be called that everywhere!!!
Looks like someone's never read the lines "from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee." or "Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
I transferred my 401K fund that had Tesla stock to other funds that didnt. You can research the fund's name and stock ticker by using https://Morningstar.com and look under Portfolio for its holdings.
Short selling is not selling a stock that you own...my point is that short selling is extremely risky and the average joe investor should NOT do it. Divesting is a much different strategy.
We have very little time left,
Support Dems: Valimont in FL-1; Josh Weil in FL-6; Blake Gendebien in NY-21; Crawford for WI Supreme Court in the upcoming Special Elections. DONATE https://www.actblue.com/directory? & State Legislatures at https://dlcc.org & https://DOSOMETHING.org
Wrong. I'll put a buy order to limit any losses to 30%. I'm angry, not stupid. It's your clan that is powered by racism, cultishness, and ignorance (which your Dear Leader calls "common sense").
Even Elon isn't going to be able to bullshit his way through the next earnings call, which is going to be a shitshow. More fairy tales about FSD software (next month, really!) and robots ain't gonna do it. The schtick has gotten old, Tesla is on the way to becoming the Enron of the auto industry.
Gmann sounds like those crypto idiots who were betting bitcoin was going to 100k when it was 72k. It subsequently went to 16k before its recent up trend.
I really don’t recommend shorting unless you really know what you’re doing. You can end up losing a ton of money of you don’t understand how shorting works.
Sounds virtuous, but if the TSLA board fires that Nazi, covering that short position may set you back a bit. Just don’t buy a fucking Tesla, for heaven’s sake.
People should be more concerned about the administrators of pension funds which for government funds usually fall under the control of Vanguard or Blackstone
Retail investors have bought 7.3 billion in stocks. In the last 2 weeks. Their in a buy the dip mode. Bad investment, imo. We need to keep at it. Destroy the brand. They'll dump and run.
We just refused a $10k free battery from PG&E (cali energy) when we discovered it was a Tesla. NO THANK YOU. Offered as a bribe for setting us on fire so many times for being bad at their job.
Bernie has spoken of FDR's Economic Bill of Rights before, and I am almost sure AOC has also. For traditional FDR New Deal Dems, it is part of the soul of the Democratic Party. I suspect the Third Way corporate centrists would like to bury it.
I recommend puts over shorts. They limit your risk to what you pay up front (shorts have unlimited risk). Only issue is that puts have limited time frames, so if Tesla doesn't fall enough by your puts end date you lose all you put in. If it does fall you can multiply your investment.
Go ahead. They will explain to you Tesla stock is not only about the car, but about the solar panels, the power wall, and all the other investments besides and beyond the car. Boycott NeuroLink, boycott Starlink.
Thanks for reminding me about the Nazi solar panels, the Nazi batteries, and the rest of the Tesla Nazi industrial complex. I forgot how comprehensively bad the investment is.
Dear left, you’re co-opted by the privileged. The Tesla protests are classist, selective outrage bc working class ppl can’t afford one & protestors are upset for supporting a Nazi. They aren’t doing the same to Amazon, Whole Foods, or Google. They’d implode w/out them. Hypocrisy isn’t a good look.
Bezos and Pinchai were there at the inauguration with Musk and support Trump. Why are we being so selective in our outrage? Could it be rich white people guilt for supporting Apartheid Hitler? Why are we directing our rage at just one oligarch when the others are doing just as much damage?
Let's revoke Elon Musk's American citizenship! We have legal grounds for this, and it goes through the court, not Congress. MuskRat has no respect for our Constitution, our country, and our people. He doesn't deserve to be American! Sign and repost! https://chng.it/yVwGnDCqCR
Here is a reminder that in places like the WaPo Comments section there's a lot of bot activity claiming that the protests and the "Vehicle Flambés" are having no statistical effect on the sales of Teslas. And that the stock is poised to skyrocket as the company soars to greater heights!
Now would be a good time to find out where Homan's 94 year old mother-in-law lives. Me thinks an enterprising journalist could find that and maybe show a pic. She may owe some back social security 😉
💪🇺🇸💪REVOLUTION 2025 APRIL 15💪🇺🇸💪
* rich file they commit Fraud!.. HINT don't file REVOLUTION💪
We will fight hard everyday until it's no longer in the S&P 500. #boycottTesla #boycottTwitter. Tell everyone you know to sell their Tesla shares and to stop using Twitter.
I said the same thing when they were pouring out Bud Light Beer they had already purchased. Anheuser Busch lost 1.4 Billion in that boycott and they’re still feeling the pain! Dump those cars and stand against Tyranny!
Also…people in my province are rushing to sell their teslas before they are worth nothing. A guy here said he paid almost $100K for his 2021 and hoped it would have decent resale value when he planned to sell it…
But he’s rushing to sell it now (vandalism target) & the highest offer is $38K…ouch.
JoBlue, I suspect flooding the market with used teslas might devalue new ones as people may opt for cheaper used ones - thus taking $ out of stealership’s pockets. Any little bit of devaluation of these cars helps in this fight. Hopefully Tesla will be stuck with a ton of unsalable vehicles.
I'm probably not explaining well/fully (& can only find US media sources that explain), but essentially there were multiple financing sources for the Twitter purchase including Musk leveraging his Tesla stock. If Tesla drops too far, the other financiers can demand 100% repayment of their loans.
Thanks for the response. I’d expect that that the declining value of the Tesla used cars will have any impact on Musk. I’ll continue to use the money (by not selling) to support libraries, animals, DNC, Ukraine etc. Thanks again Lynne!
Honestly I think selling is also because of the negative association & appearance of supporting Musk. I’d probably get one of those stickers about not supporting him to avoid potential vandalism. I don’t support vandalism but am realistic about the potential
Any investment firm who put money into a company without a board of directors was gambling and making a foolish decision, this is EXACTLY why checks, balances, and adequate governance is so important. I wonder what dissolving his companies will look like.
Forcing him out of tesla leadership is good partly. His income and wealth is coming from owning the tesla stock, so it has to stay down. But the authoritarian regimes including the current us govt may bail him out. We need to win the mid terms.
We can march and protest and refuse to give up our rights. Here's what I'm doing. Maybe there's one near you. Sat. Apr. 5: https://handsoff2025.com?SQF_SOURCE=i...
I'll be there with other pissed off grandparents.
Bear in mind that if you sell your Tesla stock you will pay taxes on your gains and that money will go straight to the federal government where Trump and Musk can spend it on deporting immigrants, being mean to trans people, and giving tax cuts to billionaires. And I doubt Musk will notice.
It's not just that they shouldn't invest in Tesla because of authoritarianism. It's also for the purely financial consideration that Tesla stock is in free fall. This retirement system is in financial trouble to the extent they were invested in that loser stock.
“If you are invested in a standard S&P index fund, as many are, nearly one-third of your money is basically subject to the vicissitudes of seven stocks whose value has risen exponentially in recent years and are anything but bargains.”
Or you can do it yourself too. Look at your 401K investments and check their top holdings, if TSLA is in there, transfer funds to something else. Same goes for Amazon, Meta, Google, Home Depot, Walmart, etc.
Plenty of other options including Canadian, European and International funds.
And everyone fly this flag during your protest. Elon hates it more than losing money. Plus support transgender people with love by flying it. 🏳️⚧️🔅❤️🦋
🚨 Vanguard is the largest institutional shareholder of Tesla stock with a $60 billion stake. If you’re a Vanguard customer, call them and ask them to sell their shares. True partners don’t invest in autocratic governments.
Doesn't Vanguard legally require their funds to own all stocks in their respective indexes based on market cap? Calling S&P and asking them to delist Tesla would work better (but still not work). Moving money to index funds that don't include Tesla (like VDADX) will do so much more than calling.
Yeah, pension funds are probably the best target. And outside of political dimensions, one could easily make the case it's a bad investment because of erratic leadership, poor sales, and lots of issues with their product.
Yes, pension funds that don't track indexes are the best ones to reach out to. If you want to speak their language note how Tesla's PE ratio is horrendous. Its share price will need to divide by 4 to get back to Apple/Meta PE, by almost 20 to get to Ford PE (or its earnings will need to multiply).
With Tesla sales dropping so much across the world it seems more likely that earnings will drop in the short term, leading to an even worse PE ratio unless share price drops by the same %. The high PE ratio is supported by delusions of massive earnings increases. If those seem false it crashes.
Vanguard Dividend Appreciation Index fund (VDADX) is pretty good and doesn't include any Tesla, Meta or Amazon. It's also mirrored their S&P 500 fund (plus dividends).
"Vanguard’s Investment Stewardship team promotes corporate governance practices associated with long-term investment returns at the portfolio companies in which the Vanguard-advised funds invest. We engage in dialogue with portfolio company executives and directors..."
Even the "socially conscious" funds tend to hold those "clean" names.
Vanguard should launch an "Ex-Broligarch" fund.
Ticker could contain WOKE #Ex-Broligarch
FWIW, I have moved some investment funds from gov't bonds to Europacific mutual funds. I don't see bonds recovering any time soon and it will get worse before it gets better.
You can make a difference in 8 days - 1st April - 1x Wisconsin Supreme Court election (that musk has but 11m into), 2x Florida congressional elections, 1st and 6th. You don’t need to live there to support the non-MAGA candidate
Trump Hotels
Feel free to add to the list. Boycotts work because the evil only care about money and power.
#fvcktheoligarchy #eattherich #fvckfascism
Review who you buy from and if you still want to
Just a small overview.
Corporate America should not be running the country!
Project 2025 is just getting started. (No guardrails, really).
Heading to Dictatorship.
America will become Russia 2.0
Our White House will be RESPECTED and is NOT for sale.
I’m calling for ANY sponsor to be boycotted indefinitely!
You miss out on the upside
Only difference is the hard to borrow risk
But my point was also about, individuals selling preferred,
or buying if similarly knowledgeable and where's that freedom now, for consumer; the American?!
Or individual buyer of stock. So these large corporate tax-cuts are now Trumps com
Tariffs are just his despotism, he can't resist being evil.
But I think, not enough risk, because of how it affects futures is kept from someone, the individual in United States. Kept from us all, but contained in their object oriented realm of discontinuity of christian belief for christ to profit here.
Also pre
And so God, if not all of us.
Thanks in advance for any advice !
this ain't no joke - https://www.keithalanhamilton.com?p=10710
Look at the content of your ETFs.
Trading options is not much better without significant expertise in trading options.
Engaging in trading patterns that exceed one's expertise is BAD IDEA.
Simple rule: If you don't know what you are doing, don't do it.
If your mutual funds hold a combined $24,800 in TSLA that’s 100sh. If you then short 100sh and TSLA goes up $10 you’ll lose $1000 on the short and gain $1000 on the funds’ TSLA holdings. And the reverse if it goes down $10.
If the amount of Tesla in all your mutual funds is (say) 100sh and you short 100sh, then if Tesla goes up $1 you lose $100 on the short but gain $100 on the Tesla the funds hold. Reverse if down $1.
Let’s make this all go viral so people CHECK their retirement and investment funds.
To use fidelity services you only need a fidelity account with minimal $$$.
Also removed anything that benefits the 🇺🇸 oligarchy including the orange king wannabe stock.
With a year left to planned retirement, I need to keep my account safe.
Thinking of switching to fully safe FDIC secure account but, IS IT? 🥺
You'll have to pull your money out of the fund and find one not invested in tesla.
Pension funds divesting from South Africa brought down apartheid. This stuff works.
What do they consider "ethical?"
Most people don't just call up their financial guy and say: hey, dump my tesla stock.
Most people are in funds and will need to move their money into one that doesn't invest in tesla.
But if you're in say... an index fund, you're in tesla.
The best beating I ever took.
I know there’s many others who would like to get rid of their Tesla as well but aren’t able for financial reasons, so don’t assume they’re supporting a Nazi. They’re just trapped.
They’ll get ENRONed if they listen to that Nazi bastard.
Tesla is finished as a car company worldwide.
Also, can we please get a ride share feature to opt out of rides in Teslas?
Get out now ‘cause it’s tanking.
We have a fresh clean Cell waiting for Eio on St. Elba Island
Ocean view optional
If you have retirement in SDBA and picking and choosing you’re a gambling fool known as dumb money.
That would be very bad.
Tesla, Inc. Common Stock is estimated to report earnings on 04/22/2025. The upcoming earnings date is derived from an algorithm based on a company's historical reporting dates.
We have until April 22nd to get this Tesla stock low as we can America.
At $154 margin call loans due😂
That or you're just lazy.
We know he wants to.
We have very little time left,
Support Dems: Valimont in FL-1; Josh Weil in FL-6; Blake Gendebien in NY-21; Crawford for WI Supreme Court in the upcoming Special Elections. DONATE https://www.actblue.com/directory? & State Legislatures at https://dlcc.org & https://DOSOMETHING.org
Share it on TikTok!!
We need more pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Signups @ #mobilize.us and #fiftyfifty.one for protests info
Attend town hall meetings
How do you sell your tesla if no ones buying them?
So if you’re still into TSLA, give it a day or two to go up, before you pull the rug.
JP Morgan predicts stock will be 50% of its current price within the year.
Same with Amazon, Zuckbook, etc. They all gotta go.
💪🇺🇸💪REVOLUTION 2025 APRIL 15💪🇺🇸💪
* rich file they commit Fraud!.. HINT don't file REVOLUTION💪
But he’s rushing to sell it now (vandalism target) & the highest offer is $38K…ouch.
And w/global sales of new Teslas plummeting, Musk is learning that there are consequences of meddling in US & European affairs.
Dems need to grow a set of dirty balls. Reps are born with them.
I'll be there with other pissed off grandparents.
Our financial guy said that the company didn’t have anyone’s money in Tesla.
Plenty of other options including Canadian, European and International funds.
"Vanguard’s Investment Stewardship team promotes corporate governance practices associated with long-term investment returns at the portfolio companies in which the Vanguard-advised funds invest. We engage in dialogue with portfolio company executives and directors..."
Vanguard should launch an "Ex-Broligarch" fund.
Ticker could contain WOKE #Ex-Broligarch
I keep trying to make it go viral that people should look in their portfolios for hidden Tesla stock.
Pass it on!
The only way to stop him is arrest all the traitors and prosecute them all to the full extent of the law.
This is what is desperately needed: