Republicans in Congress are saying their tax plan will cost $0. That's a lie.
The truth: they want to pay for billionaire tax handouts by adding trillions to the deficit and slashing health care coverage.
Republicans can try to repeal math, but they can't repeal reality.
The truth: they want to pay for billionaire tax handouts by adding trillions to the deficit and slashing health care coverage.
Republicans can try to repeal math, but they can't repeal reality.
Pain will flow from this.
People will KNOW something stinks.
Tax receipts are the END of the transaction, tax receipts do not "fund" spending.
Federal spending is constrained by economics conditions this year, not tax receipts last year.
They claimed they would end gov't inefficiency, only it's by ending gov't.
The fact it will doom future generations.. not something they care about in the slightest.
Post it
show us you are worth us keeping you in the Senate
or make way for new people with New ideas
I'm 68. The next two elections might be my last chance to make a change for my children and more importantly my grandson!!
Democrats MUST win every election and gain control over the Presidency and both houses. Change election laws and TAX the billionaires!!
Make it a Frugal Revolution everyone can participate in - and they will want to negotiate.
I'm not an accountant, but that doesn't seem like $0 nor self-funding.
Just in case you'd like to know.
Net worth: $67,000,000
Wants to stop YOU from finding out where your money goes.
Elon twists the truth that finding fraud is only what he’s doing … not cutting programs and firing people.
Totally different spins!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who is following in Al Green's footsteps?
It’s ridiculous.
More info:
Trump is waging war on
Our government so he can afford to continue his tax cuts for him and his billionaire friends
Politicking when you job is to act not and telling the public to fix what you should!
Note to Congress flip a Repub!
If you’re not working on impeachment you’re not following your oath of office to defend our country.
Nonviolent solution to Dictator Trump
Hire these guys to impeach Dictator Trump before May 1st
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Shreck LLP