This is what some people sound like when talking about sex workers.
#femdom #findom #sexwork #contentcreator #camgirl #escort #domme #mistress #hypocrisy
#femdom #findom #sexwork #contentcreator #camgirl #escort #domme #mistress #hypocrisy
I get it from two angles, often from the very kinds of people who "secretly" jerk off to me.
Before I left Twitter most of my tips from there came from transphobic, conservative users... All right wing men need therapy REAL bad.
The deep well of depraved things they want to get away with doing to us (and in many cases, the kids they claim to care about) disturbs me to my core. From sexual assault to straight up violence. Bad timeline u-u;
Tho maybe I see more animators and writers in there too, all creative filds really…
Maybe sex workers/escorts are the original artists. 🤔
Hell a good chunk of my comms are less about sexuality more about being honest with what’s inside. To remove sex from life you’re also whipping a bit of yourself.
I tend to treat things with respect and care but still people be weird….
Hell number of sexual comments I get for being both trans and an artist is way too high.
I always respond with my fees, like you proved your unlikeable, so pay me or F-off…😜
I’m still confused about those interactions, is there a kink / stereotype I don’t know about? 😂
Pimps who exploit women, many of whom are under age, while simultaneously abusing them do disgust me.
As an autistic person, I am more upset that you care so little for yourself that you think this is the only way that you can make money. I'm not upset by your work choice, I'm disgusted at your mental laziness and unwillingness to think you deserve a better life. That's gross.
I am also Autistic, that has nothing to do with any of this. Don't use that as a shield.
There is no "mental laziness" involved in sex work. There is mental laziness involved in that judgment of yours.
You do need to understand that sex work is not inherently bad, and that the exploitative bits that do happen aren't the worker's fault.
2. Most SWers I know have successful vanilla careers and do SW for fun on the side.
3. Get educated. You're lazy.
What should OP do instead? Slave away at a shitty fast food job for pennies while being emotionally and mentally abused by customers and managers alike and STILL not being able to pay rent?
Tell us in your infinite wisdom the "smart" way to survive the hellscape that is capitalism?