there are two wolves inside you - one knows this to be true, the other knows that it is Too Much Love Will Kill You. For entirely different reasons and moods
Lots of great Queen songs that are upbeat and fun, but the “BEST” I would say is “Love of my Life” especially live in Brazil. Vocals, lyrics, heartstrings, the whole vibe I’ve always found uniquely a standout song in their catalogue.
If it had different (serious) lyrics, it would probably be right up there alongside We are the Champions and We will rock you as one of the greatest all time stadium rock anthems.
Don't stop me now, Somebody to love, Killer queen, Bohemian rhapsody, March of the black Queen, Jealousy, Bicycle, Teo Torriate... There is just too many absolutely fantastic Queen songs
The full-length version of Radio Gaga is one of my favorite songs to throw on Touchtunes when someone with terrible taste plays a bunch of country music.
Yes, it's a great song, but there are better ones.
"The Show Must Go On" is the true best Queen Song.
Freddie was sick as hell. He came into the studio to record it. Brian asked if he could even do it.
He knocked back a couple shots, said, "I'll f*cking do it, darling" and did it.
In one take. take...and all that power. I feel like he knew it would be his last recording. And he put everything he had into it.
The Show Must Go On never fails to elicit an emotional response.
Also the Electric Six cover rocks.