Youch!! I’d have done the same thing, you mean I have to get out of bed AND find shoes?! Yea, no. Hope your feet are ok, you need to just go back to bed and only get out if there’s fire, or snacks 😉💖
Thanks everyone. The glass and blood are cleaned up. I did discover that the shoe that I hastily put on to stop the blood going everywhere was stuck to my foot, but I managed to remove it. I now have a plaster on my foot, and I am going back to bed.
Ouch! Glass, and stray nails and screws are worse than Lego for standing on barefoot. Hopefully not too sore for long, Dr S. A better day for you tomorrow, eh?
Make sure you have no glass shards stuck in 🦶. If you wait until after the skin starts to close it’s a much bigger deal removing it. From experience! The most painful experience because we are on our 👣 all the time.
Different body part and material, but I had a large shard of wood embedded in my calf for 12 days last October. I had to get it removed surgically under regional anesthesia.
That's how I find pins after I lose them too.
Hope it heals smoothly❤️