"Wars in the Middle East suck and are largely the fault of the US (mmmixed?)"
Well, the US and Israel, but close enough.
Well, the US and Israel, but close enough.
The US&UK killed off Iranian democracy when in 1953 they overthrew its elected govt so they continue to steal all Iran's oil
KSA is an artifical nation invented by the UK after WWI & propped up since then by UK/US because oil
But the US could control Israel if it wanted to, and it doesn't want to
Which isn't _quite_ true, since Israel controls US polticians via donations (/bribes).
Israel uses US taxpayers' money (effectively) to support/bribe essentially all US federal politicians. The main financial beneficiaries are defense industry shareholders and executives. But Israel that gets the products (weapons).
It's a win-win-lose-lose-lose
Silver lining you say?
France gave refuge to Iran's Trump equivalent and let him distribute propaganda into Iran.
But it's the US and Israel to a rounding error for the last 50 years
Or what about Saddams war on Iran and Kuwait, and killing 200,000 of his own people?
The middle east so much more complicated than you people's scapegoating to MuRiCa bad.
Let's not forget that the US encouraged Saddam to to war against Iran; supporting him with logistics and intelligence, facilitating arms shipments etc. Saddam literally thought he would get plaudits from the USG by invading Iran.
Not to mention ...
More than one thing can be true at once
What does that chart mean? Did they ask people from those countries? I'd argue people in the US are more skeptical of their own government because of democracy, free press, and opposition
Democracy is fragile. It was snuffed in Iran by the USA/UK before it even flickered
Mossadegh was a principled man. As it happens, he was educated in Europe and a fan of the West
Feel free to compare him to Nixon, the Bushes and Trump
You got it, it's from the linked opinion survey: https://arabcenterdc.org/resource/arab-opinion-index-2022-executive-summary/
>US democracy, free press, opposition
The problem isn't that the US lacks these qualities, it's that it actively bars other countries from having the same things
But yes, the US is not solely responsible for the state of the a Middle East