As sunbeam wakes
Outside be cold
Da birdies kwiet
But I keeps wach
Figgy comes
I wessles him!
On top da twee
We bite and bop
He bites my hed
I bites his nek
Den he gibs up
I always win
#WeBoffWachOutsideForBirdiesAfter #ItLotsColdOutside #FinComeForNoms
Outside be cold
Da birdies kwiet
But I keeps wach
Figgy comes
I wessles him!
On top da twee
We bite and bop
He bites my hed
I bites his nek
Den he gibs up
I always win
#WeBoffWachOutsideForBirdiesAfter #ItLotsColdOutside #FinComeForNoms
We all know that you are #1 when it comes to wrestling Cheddar, does Figgy think that too.
#CheddarIsEncouraging #ThanksCheddar
Him say, wzup