WWE has confirmed a multi year partnership with Hulk Hogan's Real American Beer
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So it's loud, rude, obnoxious, intolerant, violent and jingoistic?
- Fan throws Hogan beer at Stone Cold, Steve sees what it is and throws it back.
- Nothing, the logo is just plastered on Cody's tour bus to start his heel turn.
And McAtee be transphobic AF and not do anything
Fuck. Hulk. Hogan. It’s pretty simple. Guess it’s time to take a step back again.
(I've been to America and Sam Adams is pretty good actually. Just don't give me Bud Light or Budweiser, I just don't like the taste and I'm sorry.)
at least i could sing "wheatley, it cleans my drains completely!" when they were sponsoring wwe stuff a while back