It’s crazy how massive influxes of porn bots, trolls, engagement farming, intrusive ad tweets, forced algorithms that were not even to your personal preferences became normalized. This honestly feels the way it did when people first made the jump from MySpace to Facebook.
Reposted from
Phil Lindsey
Twitter changed my life. I got so many opportunities and met so many great people there, but it really changed for the worse. I hate what it has become.
Love it here
It was a gradual slide and I think it caught many off guard. I distinctly remember scrolling my ‘for you’ feed and seeing violent video after violent video.
Glad to be rid of it.
It's felt like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and it's been SO lovely.
Feels a lot like the old internet, and I LOVE it.
Everywhere else feels like a race to outrage in comparison.
A thief of joy.
And now, we get to reclaim it! And remember why we all love our things in the first place.
Its been so long!!!!
Over here for the fans it's much better for them.