As a business owner, hearing Trump tell the people,“ A tariff is a tax on a foreign country” angers me to no end. Does he not know what a tariff is or his he just lying, counting on the ignorance of his followers? Shame on anybody who votes without a basic understanding of what they are voting for.
Walmart also announced they are rolling back DEI policies.
Sadly maga was so busy ( as intended)
Owning The Libs
They only educated themselves after election if at all
They no 1 Google search post election?
What are Tariffs?
#2 Can I change my Vote?
Will I be Deported ?
That's the sad sorry picture & why they want to rid US Dept of Ed
Seems like he is usually lying, prefaced by his many tells; "people are saying, they say it is 20k widgits, but I'm hearing it might be 60K widgets, they had tears in their eyes, and they said to me, 'Sir, ... bs, bs, bs,etc.
Don't sweat being human.
Rally they don’t.
He keeps lying about '17 tariffs being a huge success. They weren't.
GDP alone dropped 1.2%.
Soybean growers lost $28B in Chinese contracts.
Simple Google would give him truth.
So long as charlatans are allowed to con people it's a false, manufactured outcome.
In a civil court it would be punishable as 'embezzlement'.
Although that may be giving him far too much credit.
Um.... yes.
Anyone taking bets on how long it takes the “youngsters” to 25th the OLD guy?
No nation can levy a tax on companies in a different country, only put tariffs on importers in the own countries.
So, no I truly think he doesn't understand it really.