almost regardless of your politics if you believe in democracy at all then Elon sized fortunes are intolerable. but “centrism” often boils down to “chickenshit”
Reposted from
Steve Randy Waldman
so, are centrist Democrats for or against at this point some combination of wealth tax / progressive income tax that would render accumulations of wealth at Musk, Bezos, or even Gates levels unsustainable?
For example:
The Mellon Family's banking fortune which got its start before The Civil War in slave-dependent economics. It continues to distort our politics, having survived The Great Depression and World War II. ->
It would be funny if his self-delusion weren't so destructive. ->
At the bottom of each of those economic singularities you'll find a Tim Mellon or, now, a Tech oligarch.
Also notable how some moderates *are* fighters, like Rep Pat Ryan