Should the reputation magnitudes be taken into account when replacing old reputations? Having to replace a magnitude 3 reputation with a magnitude 1 reputation just because it is your oldest reputation feels bad, especially if your second oldest reputation is also magnitude 1.
Also the FIFO replacing means that you might end up getting rid of more reputations than is needed. For example, a magnitude 3 reputation might replace (from oldest to newest) two magnitude 1 reputations and a magnitude 3 reputation when replacing just the magnitude 3 reputation would be enough.
What a glorious snack of page previews this morning. 😌
Not gonna lie, I laughed my ass off at the reputation page.
You can be the weirdest motherfucker out there, but y'all better have some good things to say about each other or are you *really* a good group together? 🤣☠️
As you get older, you find it harder to organize a proper tabletop night with the homies of course, but we still manage here and there, but I'll tell ya, their adherence to D&D sure makes me fucking snooze.
Not gonna lie, I laughed my ass off at the reputation page.
You can be the weirdest motherfucker out there, but y'all better have some good things to say about each other or are you *really* a good group together? 🤣☠️
Absolutely down for a PoE TTRPG lol.