Caroline, I searched this and the prevailing opinion appears to be "not yet". There is interest and possibly volunteerism to autogenerate alt text for those of us who often forget. This led to doing the same for gifs. This is out of my area so I hope this helps rather than adds confusion. Ralph
Do emoji's identify themselves? I ask because earlier I had sent you a trophy and a red rose emoji for your comment about booing Kristi Noem when you were younger. I thought it was funny.
Yes, emojis read out! I would imagine that if you installed an extra emoji keyboard they might not, but when using phone-standard emojis there is built-in accessibility.
My sight is..alright..given certain meds are taken and my glasses are sitting perfectly. I typically get the gist of most gifs, and if it's been too long since eye drops I'll scroll past. I'm lucky to be able to still have vision, however hazy and quadrupled, wondering for those more impaired than I
Yes, emojis read out! I would imagine that if you installed an extra emoji keyboard they might not, but when using phone-standard emojis there is built-in accessibility.