Interestingly enough, thee child actor who got his character's tongue stuck on thee medal pole in "The Christmas Story" later went into porn, which has a weird way ov kind ov correlating to Trump's sexual night with Stormy.
He tried the tariffs thing in his first term. We responded with tariffs. The economy stagnated for a year until he dropped them. Now he’s doing it again? Prime Minister Trudeau is right, Donald really is dumb.
An economic disaster is brewing. Tariffs, combined with substantial tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans will explode U. S. debt and could set off a deep cycle of stagflation (low growth/recession combined with steeply rising prices). A downgrade of U. S. debt would be likely under that scenario.
Bubba also sat on the wooden side of our front porch and pitched himself backwards, falling to the basement drive way below. He did these crazy things intentionally. He did stop breathing for a moment when he did this.
We are like small streams that, when joined together, can become a powerful river of humanity, united in the purpose of making the world a better place. By standing together, we can wash away the political darkness in the U.S. and stand against autocracy.
R's sitting there, afraid to say a word
Fairly smart posts in my yard
It's happened before.
When you don't know history,
history Will repeat itself
The Grapes of Wrath ~Hemingway
It's a good read 🤣
This is shocking but true
putin just lifted his leg to pee and Trump tried to mark it- Just thinking here lol
This is why they moved the inauguration indoors.
Remove tariffs… stock gain…sell!
Tariffs again…. Markets crash… buy
Remove tariffs again… sell again
Am I the only one who figured this out?
The rest of us, yeah we know