And every fucking ‘fake’ punk claiming that the sex pistols where the first ever punkband is proven wrong by this one.
Reposted from
Punk Rock History
The Ramones "Judy Is A Punk," filmed September 15, 1974 at CBGB, New York City
This was the band's 13th live gig ever.
#punk #punks #punkrock #punklegends #oldschoolpunk #ramones #cbgb #history #punkrockhistory
This was the band's 13th live gig ever.
#punk #punks #punkrock #punklegends #oldschoolpunk #ramones #cbgb #history #punkrockhistory
Ramones, 9 July 1976.
The saints, september 1976.
Dead boys, ? 1977.
The damned, 22 oktober 1976.
Sex pistols, November 1976.
However, the Sex Pistols weren't even McLaren's first punk band
And to this day they are the best to ever do it!
Best? We can discuss that, because what is best, or good. But The Ramones legacy is unprecedented.
Maar denk ook dat dát het is. Sex Pistols was wel in de UK en veelal daarbuiten bij iedereen bekend, dus dan zal het wel de eerste zijn 😬