News flash: neither do kings, or theocrats, or illuminated great leaders of socialist regimes…
The good news is that in some democratic republic (what some optical scientists call polyarchy) the change of who holds some of the reins of power can be done without deaths or bloodshed.
They have though. Look at 1906, 1945, 1966, 1997. Each government then reducing that political power. This "voting changes nothing" bollocks is the actual way the rich entrench interests, by cultivating apathy.
It doesn’t. Power allows for no vacuums. Those methods touted as “really working” are just the of elites, and who then get their economic power over all of us “proles”.
This is very true. The rich are never taken down by voting, yet sometimes they are taken down. This is why they’re all building bunkers and self-sustaining super yachts to escape us.
The good news is that in some democratic republic (what some optical scientists call polyarchy) the change of who holds some of the reins of power can be done without deaths or bloodshed.
While I was born & raised in America, "technically" speaking, I am not "from here," so I choose not to vote.