Trying to pray the Offices and Psalms in CEB for Advent and Christmastide and I'm so KJV/RSV-pilled that my gut keeps telling me that it sounds "wrong." But that's a good experience.
my wife and i are trying to
memorize a psalm in ceb translation and it is…harder than with any of the older kjv/post-kjv versions (nrsv etc). it’s too fluent, nothing angular for the brain to hang onto
I was just musing today on how the Magnificat feels/sounds so different to me now that I'm frequently hearing it on evening prayer podcasts and as a Gregorian chant. I heard an audio Bible the other day that captured the tone I used to hear it in ... can't quite put my finger on how it's different.
It's like the difference between "This is a wonderful treasure with which I am well-familiar" versus "I'm reading something I'm not very familiar with, but it's wonderful stuff!" But even more than that.
Like, I wonder sometimes whether a single UM congregation in America uses the version of the Lord's Prayer that's actually printed in Word & Table I or II, instead of the BCP (and EUB/MC) one that's been used for generations.
I once put together a scriptural rosary guide for the Hour and I used the KJV everywhere *except* for the canticles, for which I used the BCP, in order to avoid this very confusion of tongues
I think my ideal translation is more modern than Rite 1 but retains kickass phrases like "holiness and righteousness" (vs. "holy and righteous") and "dayspring" (vs. "dawn")
memorize a psalm in ceb translation and it is…harder than with any of the older kjv/post-kjv versions (nrsv etc). it’s too fluent, nothing angular for the brain to hang onto
Like, I wonder sometimes whether a single UM congregation in America uses the version of the Lord's Prayer that's actually printed in Word & Table I or II, instead of the BCP (and EUB/MC) one that's been used for generations.