π¨NEW: Federal Court Dismisses rightwing lawsuit challenging Wisconsin exemption from providing full access to its voter rolls. Per judge: lawsuit "is not supported by law or logic."
Isn't that the norm for rightwing lawsuits?
I'm no a lawyer, but, I'd be hard pressed to think of much coming from our neighbors across the chasm that does.
Why is there no edit button hahaha
States do not advertise and publicly post all the info to steal someone's identity on 'some website'.
You can verify the voter rolls by just knowing the year in most cases and can can do more specific requests on a person if you think they are doing something wrong
Yes! ππΌ
Republicans make everything worse.
Dude, that is so antiquated
For the win
With all the political doxxing that's been going on, this seems weird to request.
New phone - whodis?
Why are we blindly accepting the results from a CLEARLY interfered with election??
Rule #1 - DO NOT OBEY
We have a new election free of interference using mail in ballots sent first class to every registered voter.
We THE MOFO People DESERVE to know
Shades of him trying to UNSUCCESSFULLY steal another election with The Steele Dossier.