An absolutely terrible move by the Solicitor General's office. They are asking for time to argue in a racial gerrymandering case that will be heard after Trump is president and his SG is in place.
This is the kind of "norms" crap that needs to stop. A total self-inflicted wound.
This is the kind of "norms" crap that needs to stop. A total self-inflicted wound.
Reposted from
Democracy Docket
NEW: Biden's solicitor general (SG) requested to participate in SCOTUS oral argument in a lawsuit alleging that Louisiana's court-ordered majority-Black congressional districts are racially gerrymandered. But, if granted, Trump's SG could argue the case.
Izzie Zenning.
And isn't this characteristic of the entire Biden Presidency? You and the NAACP have been doing nearly ALL the heavy lifting in voting rights cases for the last four year, from what I can tell, while Garland has been AWOL
Now-A-Days, that's the only way for the GOP to stay in power and that's why they push against all voting rights for anyone not white, rich and connected...