The question now--Who else will follow Ruth and who will stay?
Reposted from
Ben Mullin
Scoop: Washington Post editor Ruth Marcus says she’s resigning after a column on Jeff Bezos’s Wall Street Journal-like opinion pivot was rejected by Will Lewis
It’s fucking kindling. They should all just quit.
C' this point, it's like having a friend tell you, "Don't bother the waiter. It's only 5 bugs. I'm sure the soup's still good."
We are in trouble, America.
The amount of windfall they are counting on on the other side is crazy.
We know why he’s staying at WaPo.
It’s clear those that stay really can’t find work elsewhere
Who else can afford to make a stand, or stay and compromise their ethics?
That's a tough choice for some.
Post employees: if you have an ounce of self-respect, you will follow Ruth out the door.
Ruth Marcus has a dead- on perception of the truth and is a truth teller.
Kara Swisher
National desk is about to be in a world of hurt, methinks.
The decision isn’t easy. Where to go. I’m sorry to see the Washington Post go downhill because of Bezos’ fear of Trump.
Also, NEVER buy books from Amazon, there ARE alternatives:
And great community meeting spaces too!
Building credibility very difficult!
In general, corporate media is no longer trustworthy!
Besides, the vast majority of Americans pay no attention in any case.
Independent journalists have more freedom to write what they know!
is Amazon because I live in a rural area. But I am researching other options for purchasing wherever I can.
Go ahead&stay silent. Let fear rule U Watch injustice happen.Just don’t act like U did not know. SIMPLY accept U R latest in a long line of cowards who learned nothing from the past.
There are some bridges that NEED burning.
But it fits.
I used to respect this guy.
The question is, who will fund a worker-owned non-profit DC newspaper covering Trump's assault on the democracy and fallout, that would be immune to scaredy cat billionaire's preferences for silicone fiancées and artificial intelligence?
WaPo must go.
as long as they're good, it's all good.
*who am i to ask someone to give up their livelihood. it's a big ask, which is why fascism so often wins.
Because the brightest were the first to realize the ship was sinking, and became the first to take the lifeboats while the captain bellowed that everything was fine.
It became a cycle of stupidity.
She was a great paper.
Get out while you still can.
No one has any respect for these people or this this paper anymore.
'Democracy Dies in Darkness'
Or we can start a spot here on bluesky to post Roasts of the phrase, brainstorming other ideas to promote, & protest paper's hypocrisy
The bros have penis issues.
Bezos took away a nice thing.
"Nice" in the way of somewhere legitimate conversation could take place and honest reporting.
Mrs Graham would be grateful for your integrity and loyalty to her Standards
Jeff, keep it up.
Kara Swisher please take note.
There’s a pretty deep pool of toxic waste Bezos can dredge.