The timing of this indicates the Trump regime understands the real threat that the legislative branch is likely to become dominantly "blue" with marching orders to purge all these treasonous confederates, communists, and fascists from positions of power in the executive branch.
Trump nodding off like a drug addict during a nationally televised event. Lord have mercy on us all. What does this tell the world about what we have become?
For all those who "pishtah" the naked emperors endless executive orders as merely words on paper, they sure create a lot of crazy-making, and are friggin' endless.
Someone take the damn auto sign pen from this thief in chief.
He sits there like he has no clue what's going on and then takes his big fat sharpie and signs his heartbeat signature. Then he holds it up for all to see. Same thing over and over and over and over and over...Boring but extremely bad.
I'm sorry. What election fraud convictions did I miss? Years of election fraud investigations after Orange Moose-ellini lost and I don't recall any immigrants who were charged. When will the pay to play investigations be starting? Where's the EO to kill Citizens United? That's the one we really need
Donald needed a distraction from the Signal scandal. I’ve been waiting for something like this bc he has to change the news. You had to know it was coming. He needed something big. This is his MO, same as the last time he was in office.
If it wasn’t for voter suppression, gerrymandering, and the utter lies that GOP tells prospective voters to get them to vote R, Dems would consistently carry the House, the Senate (67 seats), and the White House. Then we could expand the Supreme Court and our long national nightmare would be over!
There aren’t illegal immigrants voting. My God, I have never hated a group of people as much as these project 2025 jagoffs. They are the ones that corrupt and pollute our election process
He doesn’t know what he’s signing nor does he care. He avoided prison and the SCOTUS gave him a get out of jail free card. He cares about being big man on campus, golf and pissing people off, especially foreign countries.If he gave a damn everyone on the signal chat would already have been fired.
Trump said we'd never have to vote again. Well, if the Dems and Indep and some GOP don't do something, they'll be handing the country over to him on a silver platter and he'll throw the platter against the wall, splattering it with our blood.
He signed that massive voter SUPPRESSION E.O. because he darn well knows that after the incompetence of his Sec. of Def.'s national sec. BREACH and his own horrendous presidenting via Muskrat, the American ppl are enraged.
He knows he and Repubes are in trouble w/ the voters.
So, bypassing Congress again? Take away his sharpie. Never mind, that would end up in a Fire and Fury of social media posts that you've never seen before in angry social media posts.
I did hear him say "there's a lot more involved" so he didn't fully explain it and I doubt Trump really cared. There could be anything hidden in that document.
This may be his Reichstag Fire moment. The blue states will file lawsuits against having the citizenship box. These lawsuits will not be resolved before the midterms and Dear Leader will subsequently cancel them claiming the Dems are preventing “fair” elections.
This DOES have an ending, but it’s not an ending Americans are prepped for, yet. The short sightedness of the wealthy elites is in the real numbers: 1500 rich men vs hundreds of millions of workers. The most dangerous time is when they temporarily have control of the military and law enforcement.
The way the EO is explained to Trump tells you that he has never read it, never ordered it, and it was written by someone else just for him to nod his head and sign it.
Heritage Foundation continuing to run everything behind the scenes...
💯This is what's really going on? The dismantling of our government, you can thank the tech billionaires and the heritage foundation with their project25 plans for us, which, according to their website is built. 40% complete
Yup, he use to handle this on his own. They are now running the show and him letting them because he’s only in this for staying out of jail and vengeance.
1. Sign an order that deeply offends the morality of Progressives and Progressive leaders.
2. Expect the Progressive leaders to refuse to follow it.
3. Deny federal funding.
4. See if any leaders capitulate.
5. Lather, rinse, and repeat.
100%. Trump is just not present anymore, it seems clear. I wonder if the Republican members of the Supreme Court are concerned. It seems to me that they should be.
I agree. Trump isn't running the White House. His advisors are calling the shots and that explains the disjointed, multi-directional, haphazard direction of h8s administration.
Every reference to Donald Trump should begin with the words
"Demented and functionally illiterate Donald Trump just..."
Agreed. Trump is still their useful idiot. He loves being the most hated man on TV. He loves how powerful he feels. He can rub balls with Putty and Kim. It's the 140 writers of Project 2025 and the absolutely sick people putting this together behind the scenes that is an issue.
Read Roberts' articles on patriarchy - he's a freak. Little difference between him and a cult leader in the desert running a harem of women and children as sex slaves. We have to get these freaks out and boot them to the margins... unless we're arresting them for raping women & exploiting children.
The Trump admin recently claimed that several Biden pardons are void because Biden didn’t know what he was signing and wasn’t involved in planning. The phrase that is eternally proven true over and over: every conservative accusation is a confession.
I hate him so much, if he had grabbed his chest and fallen out of his chair stone-cold dead just before he signed that fucking order, I would have laughed my ass off, cheered, clapped, and danced around the living room.
I have a little bit of a twinge of feeling bad about that because it’s not who I am, but then I remember a story about him in New York after some kind of event having an old man collapse in front of him, and he literally stepped over him and kept walking.
I used to feel guilty for the rage I have for Trump and all the MAGAs, but if given the chance, they would torture and kill us for the sheer joy of watching it. Now I see my hate and desire to fight back as self-defense.
If he dropped dead in front of me, it would be the only moment of my life that I would regret not being a man because I would whip it out and pee all over his corpse while laughing heartily.
Thank you Marc. People too often confuse EO's with "law" but its not law unless the lawmakers shirk their responsibility which they are clearly doing in fear of a mean Trump tweet.
He can't help it. I'm losing my hair to autoimmune nerve loss. I can't do anything about it either. But if I were in a spotlight I'd sure do everything I could to make it less obvious. He's supposed to be rich so why no hair guy like Shatner & Danson.
If I had money I'd have a hair person sp dial 😆
Ok so wait. If he is describing the eo to rump, then it was not SOURCED from him was it? Is any of whats going on his ideas or is all this stuff comming from the party?
This is the second one of these I have seen....
a) I do not think Rump plans anything.
b) anyone who can address his ego has him hook, line, and sinker. Ukraine just had to say that helping Ukraine was good for the american people and he would be the president to do it, and he would have done anything.
"Here's this shit we wrote in the Project 2025 Bunker and you've never seen any of it before but it is totally designed to target blue states for withholding federal funding unless they rig their elections to produce GOPers winning all the time."
This is why they don't give a fuck about the courts.
But yes, obviously. The orange-headed Suntan Sultan doesn't possess the eloquence, nor a sufficient grasp of vocabulary or grammar, to write all those extensive essays his mug always posts on twitter or Truth or wherever it is.
Fully agree.And as a New Yorker, I've sen his actions for a longtime. I do NOT mean that TV show as I never watched. Do you know about the Bonwit Teller friezes?
To build T. Tower they had to raze Bonwit. T promised the friezes around Bon. to the Met Museum as part of a deal to get the space. Nah, too complicated. He trashed them. Minor compared to today, but revelatory of character. He tried to get in with NY elites who spurned him. Sorry for shorthand.
I'm already there. If he took Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare or disability this country would finally lose their collective shit & pitchforks would come out from Florida to Washington. We would be united again.
We are all forgetting something…executive orders are not laws, nor a part of the constitution. States should be clear in that they will not abide by these statements unless they adhere to State laws. Only the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Everything else requires an act Congress 1st
Sue him for what? His Executive orders are words on paper. They mean nothing. He has no authority for 90% of these orders. They mean as much as my 2nd grader's school project. People complying in advance are the real issue. Dumbass needs his phone and art supplies taken away. yes that’s true. EXCEPT right now signed EO’s orders are happening, in real time. Until actions are taken to STOP him, be very afraid. FG’s wants a 3rd term & might get it. Democrats must stop him now!
Signed EOs are happening, but they have zero legal authority. They're only a threat if people comply with his illegal EOs. He has no control over the federal purse. And while he may get whatever he wants from the House, he can't get through the Senate. For now.
Surprised he doesn’t sign another flimsy “executive order” saying Democrat votes don’t count or “all votes are for me.” He needs to be gone from this planet.
He is very clearly overstepping his authority, and he knows it. I read the EO, all his “concerns” have been dealt with, but at the state level. I have had to verify my citizenship twice to get a drivers license and voter registration, in two states, as part of the 2005 law.
Pay attention. The federal govt under Trump is trying to take over elections, something assigned to the states in the constitution. This is the first of many.
Remember EO are not laws right? Let's remember who is in charge. Thankfully not of the courts...yet!
“The Rule Of Law is enforced by the Powers that are in charge. If the Powers in charge are corrupt, then the Rule of Law is nothing but talking points for those opposing the corrupt.”
It never ends.
that Susie wiles must be some nasty piece of work as well sitting there.
I expect more of women but he has sure found a coven to fill out the ranks
This is what's really going on? The dismantling of our government, you can thank the tech billionaires and the heritage foundation with their project25 plans for us, which, according to their website they built. They're 40% complete. And they're openly bragging about it.
.... It was a gift to symbolizing cutting up and dismantling the GOV and democracy, and all of it's programs like Medicare, medicaid, social security. Snap. Social security is not an entitlement. That's our money, that comes right out of our payroll tax, and has nothing to do with the deficit.
Argentinians are protesting and taking it to the streets.One citizen said he was getting $2000 a month in his pension they cut it to $100 a month. They cut healthcare, access to government safety net programs. The president of argentina gave elon that power saw that you saw in the oval office...
I know about that.They have meddled in country's politics around the world and have invested in far right nationalist political parties to advance their agenda of having world dominance. Argentina was a test subject for America.They went into argentina and gutted gov program even cut their pensions.
You would think the rich would appreciate the current system that made them this filthy rich. But no, they will never have enough until they get every damned thing. 🤬 Their greed is killing us.
“There are quite a lot of people who think it’s not possible. That’s a good thing. We don’t need to really worry about those people very much, because since they don’t think it’s possible they won’t take us very seriously. And they will not actually try to stop us until it’s too late.” Peter thiel
Really? Two crazy truly awful women. I cant even imagine what kind of woman is happy to be the best friend of a pig like clarence thomas
I LOVE the John oliver episode about SCOTUS
it should be required viewing for every voting american. I think it was late November 2024
You're spot on! The chief of staff is the one in charge. The President is the last word, but it's the CoS that sets the meetings and does the heavy lifting. She is basically president. Trump's a moron and lazy. This is her show. She ran Jacksonville, became a politico.
Republican voters eat this shit up. Illegal immigrants don't vote, they never have and if the GOP has one shred of evidence that " millions " of them have corrupted our election integrity they would show evidence. It isn't there but it keeps a cluster around the punch bowl.
Thank you for all you do. I feel comfort knowing there are people in your position fighting to protect our rights.
That being said, I need to be a little sarcastic here…I thought they were getting rid of all the illegal immigrants. Why would they need this?
If there is a shred of evidence of actual fraud in 2024, now is the fucken time to release this. We know 2020 was absolutely fine… I keep seeing claims 2024 was not… stop withholding because if it’s real it needs to come out now…
The only election fraud committed is by magaTs voting for dead people & repeatedly. This orange liar won by #muskrat, compromising at the point of up/down load of voting data onsite cheating.
It's obviously the first time he's heard what's in this EO, and from the look on his face he doesn't understand a word of the explanation. Just tell him it's "the biggest" or "the greatest" and he'll sign anything. Now he can go play golf & waste more of our money.😒
1, 5, 10, 50, many more cases will be brought against this terror regime, that they will just ignore? At what point...oh, wait, he's above the law. I forgot. I'd say he needs to be arrested, but we already know that, just like we already know that ain't gonna happen.
"voter-verifiable paper record"
I read through the whole EO and I'm not 100% on what this means.
Thank you for your tireless work.
Someone take the damn auto sign pen from this thief in chief.
Take it to court.
Donald needed a distraction from the Signal scandal. I’ve been waiting for something like this bc he has to change the news. You had to know it was coming. He needed something big. This is his MO, same as the last time he was in office.
That's just the excuse, this is about voter suppression - especially female votes.
Is he Lying, Insane, Demented or all 3?
Did you sign that Executive Order?
"No, I didn’t"
"But, isn’t that your signature?"
"Yes, but I didn’t sign it"
"Then who did?"
No more questions
Corporate Media meekly melts away
Voter had to know...😓
He knows he and Repubes are in trouble w/ the voters.
May this regime's demise be swift and certain.
Heritage Foundation continuing to run everything behind the scenes...
2. Expect the Progressive leaders to refuse to follow it.
3. Deny federal funding.
4. See if any leaders capitulate.
5. Lather, rinse, and repeat.
The real power is behind the throne. Elon, Stephen Miller, Russell Vought, Heritage Foundation, et al.
Every reference to Donald Trump should begin with the words
"Demented and functionally illiterate Donald Trump just..."
He’s been a fraud all his life
He’s a convicted felon for goodness sake
He's in it for the power, the racism, and the vengeance. That's it. Zero fucks.
Slip in a resignation letter then release it to the press...
When he denies signing it, point to his mental decline...
Without him, the rest are toast.
As moses johnson said 'bloodless if they let us'.
He’s that much of an incompetent buffoon
No illegal immigrants are voting.
This is just stupid.
If I had money I'd have a hair person sp dial 😆
This is the second one of these I have seen....
b) anyone who can address his ego has him hook, line, and sinker. Ukraine just had to say that helping Ukraine was good for the american people and he would be the president to do it, and he would have done anything.
This is why they don't give a fuck about the courts.
But yes, obviously. The orange-headed Suntan Sultan doesn't possess the eloquence, nor a sufficient grasp of vocabulary or grammar, to write all those extensive essays his mug always posts on twitter or Truth or wherever it is.
It's Miller.
Unfuckable fascists.
I wouldn’t sign a real estate contract with that much generalization in the description.
"Fake elections; bad elections"...He does realize he won twice!!!! (supposedly!!)
President Joseph R. Biden
Farewell Address
January 15, 2025
The old play book of Trump is
“Scapegoat Psychology”:
when Trump makes a mistake, he scapegoats the “Other”,
aka the News Media or the Democrats
It is the same strategy used by Hitler or Putin or any authoritarianism’s,
appointees use scapegoat psychology
This is my understanding.
You're a real patriot! God's speed, sir.
“The Rule Of Law is enforced by the Powers that are in charge. If the Powers in charge are corrupt, then the Rule of Law is nothing but talking points for those opposing the corrupt.”
that Susie wiles must be some nasty piece of work as well sitting there.
I expect more of women but he has sure found a coven to fill out the ranks
These people are FREAKS
The world needs an army of luigis.
Rule of law and decency is on life supprt
The rich bastards have gamed the system so thoroughly
He needs some menacing
I suspect he is not vewy bwave
I LOVE the John oliver episode about SCOTUS
it should be required viewing for every voting american. I think it was late November 2024
A lot of botox and frozen faces around there
The arrogance that oozes from tulsi is epic
I wonder what vlad promised her
But they don't.
And the voters are too stupid to even figure this out.
spit them out
make them cry
(sicko stevie vonMillerski to you know who)
These people make me a bit nuts but all I can do, for now at least, is keep my eyes open and listen carefully.
Greg Palast on citizenship requirements in the so-called SAVE Act:
That being said, I need to be a little sarcastic here…I thought they were getting rid of all the illegal immigrants. Why would they need this?
Illegals already don’t vote… so what’s that actually saying
Conman Mobster