Apparently the pets following you to the bathroom thing is bc they know you're vulnerable and they want to watch your back so a coyote doesn't sneak up on you while you're pooping.
Legit though cats are very social animals but they do it differently than dogs and apes. They're happy knowing where you are without having to directly see or touch you. They get concerned when they can't reach you. They don't necessarily want to cuddle, but just know where everyone is in an emergen
Hold fast and maintain your ground! What happens in the lotsa water room stays in the lotsa water room. Cats, bless their hearts, so often fail to appreciate this vital human guideline. 😉
I close the cats out of the bedroom to change the sheets. They all accumulate in the hall to stare in through the French door. The distrust radiates off them.
Exhibit A:
My cat insists on accompanying me to the bathroom every time because she wants a drink from the sink while I’m in there. It’s a routine for her now lol
Aha I feel that. Mine is fine to chill by herself, but she’s also kinda welded to my soul. I get home, she’s excited. I go to bed, she follows. I go to the bathroom, it’s drink time, I’m in the garden, she’s… “helping”.
I haven't bothered closing doors fully since we decided to bring rescue cats inside. They're freaking incessant whining outside the door just refuses to let me! 😖🥰
Yes, this I know. They need to be able to come in and protect you while you’re using the bathroom. They hate closed doors as well. They need to have full and complete rule of the house. 🤨😂🤣
I can confirm the cat & the parrot thing:
the parrot knocks on the bathroom door until it's opened. she sometimes then follows up by saying "trick or treat", probably cuz she got me to open the door with my pants down ;-)
now the cat:swipes under the door & then disappears like a ghost when opened!
Any time we go to Sister's house her (rescued, 20yo, still mostly perch-bound) macaw will shout at anyone who closes the bathroom door visible to her (except on busy holidays, which overstimulate her too much to pay attention.) You must return with the spritzer bottle, or you'll be a "Bad bird".
Cats and dogs are funny. I need a completely chill animal and neither are. The dogs lose there mind at every ring/knock of the door and the cats will wake the dogs up just to start some shit in the middle of the night. I love them both so much though.
our big orange boy figured out he can test the latch by standing up pushing against the door with his front paws. sometimes it means you have an orange face staring at you while you poop
Exhibit A:
In the occasional event that she manages to sneak outside while I’m AT work, she comes and finds me AT WORK to come say hi, and walk home with me.
Never had a cat that’s so attached before
• Parrots
• Toddlers
• Otters
• Ferrets
• Managers at work
the parrot knocks on the bathroom door until it's opened. she sometimes then follows up by saying "trick or treat", probably cuz she got me to open the door with my pants down ;-)
now the cat:swipes under the door & then disappears like a ghost when opened!