Yup, but it's pretty easy to tell if they're trolls by what they repost and how they usually reply. I've blocked about 100 in the three weeks I've been here. A fraction of the number I blocked on the cesspool site, tho!
I have a question on this that has been bothering me. I can tell you that I will not agree with everything that everyone says so...
Do I ... Answer with my own opposing opinion.
Keep quiet and forget I saw it.
IF I vehemently disagree what should my actions be?
No Snark intended...
Unless they are completely bonkers in the reply, I vet before blocking. But, I've learned at the other place that replying to the nutjobs is futile. We are not the dumbf*%k whisperers.
ty. this was a point I also came here to make along with 1 other. To some, I'm being categorized as 'hate' bc of my animosity towards maggots/3rd party tanTrump'er voters.
You raise an interesting question about 3rd party. Id probably recommend NOT blocking them. They’re not hateful trolls; they’re just wrong. And perhaps can even be persuaded to do the right thing in the future
on that particular topic, it's a case by case scenario.There are some that you can reach the 'agree to disagree' with. But there are MORE that are crazy Sarandonista's that refuse to grasp the evil they install by a faux revolution is OK long as they're getting their opinion across, no matter what
Go to Settings: go to Moderation; set your filters. At bottom are. Two moderators: 1) blocks TOS abuse; 2) https://Skywatch.blue filters all MAGA, MAHA, anti-LGBTQ+ handles & profiles. Click that tab, click subscribe/block all. Every time a troll is reported to the list it’s blocked for all. Always report.
Honestly it feels good!
Do I ... Answer with my own opposing opinion.
Keep quiet and forget I saw it.
IF I vehemently disagree what should my actions be?
No Snark intended...
Merely making it clear you’re on Trump’s side gets a block from me…without a response 😆😆😆