The Wurman/Barnett op/ed is the next step in normalizing the frivilous birthright citizenship argument. In a few months, conservatives will contend that the only reason liberals didn't take the argument seriously is because of their blindspots. By then, judges will feel comfortable endorsing it.
Reposted from
Corey Rayburn Yung
This is how the non-originalist Commerce Clause argument against Obamacare based on the activity/inactivity distinction, invented from whole cloth, started. It won before SCOTUS. This will give judges and Justices cover to adopt the absurd Trump administration view of birthright citizenship.
That is the goal. Repeat it till it becomes normalized.
Using the trappings of academia to create an air of legitimate debate behind their illiberal project is a well-worn technique by now.
Real lawyers taking Wurman/Barnett to the woodshed.
Also, won't someone please refer Wurman and Barnett to their respective ethics committees and bars for their patently bad faith arguments?
I’m no 14th Amendment scholar but isn’t this what fighting against slavery was all about—People defying slave laws yet still giving allegiance to the nation that enslaved them??