USA 'hollowed out' education by allowing states and private schools to suck the money out of public education.
And paid public educators paupers' wages.
If you go cheap you get lower quality products.
And yet the MAGA Trumpists stand with Trump without understanding what it means to stand with Ukraine. Then say really dumb stuff like, no more money for Ukraine until North Carolina and South Carolina are made whole after the hurricanes...🙃🙄WTF! It's truly mind boggling
Countries occupied by Russia in the past already have antidotes to this disease. And their immune systems have learned to recognize this threat and are sounding the alarm.
It's funny because Trump usually prefers picking on the weakest target. By that criteria, Russia should be the one he wants to defeat. Ukraine has already done most of the heavy lifting. The US going all in would finish the job & Trump could take a barely deserved victory lap.
They had no brakes, skidded right past Kiev and Europe, skipped across the pond and landed on the door step of the White House.. it’s a forbidden maneuver. Yet, Trump is easily distracted by a topless Putin riding on horse.
Putins vilde drøm: Vil æde sig ind på Europa
Ruslands leder vil genskabe et russisk imperium, der strækker sig langt ind i Europa, fortæller militærforsker
Now Trump is "looking at deporting all Ukrainians"!!!!
That is a total Putin move! If Trump gets mad enough that Canadians I can see him deporting all the Canadians back to Canada and seizing their property. This folks is communism! This is who Trump is! He's had ties to Russia since 1984!
I think it’s a little dangerous to underwrite the decades of involvement with conservative media, gun rights advocates and various white nationalist organizations
In all seriousness however it is obvious to even that the orange cock-womble is a russian asset, so is anyone remotely surprised? 🤬
That's because the Russians found more compliant assets in Washington than in Kyiv. The Ukrainians had suffered under various Russian dictators for centuries, so they what was going on.
I took about 70 years for Russia to occupy Washington, Nikita Khrushchev's words in 1956 “We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the US We will destroy you from within.”
Now the fight has come to the USA 🇺🇸. We’re gonna fight for our republic republicans, you will be the targets if you continue with your treasonous behavior. #Promise none of you will stay in power, don’t care what state, you will be punished after we remove you from your positions. Promise 🇺🇸⚖️🦅 US law
Snake in the grass, Trump is helping the Russian war machine.
The Art of the Snake is not complex, expose the Ukrainians to Russian attack and unable to defend themselves until they've suffered enough casualties to surrender.
I'm working my way through the older episodes of the podcast Knowledge Fight and I just recently hit the start of the war. Depressing as it was it was hilarious to hear Alex Jones predicting that everybody had been paid off and the whole thing would be over in 3 days.
There was strong opposition in Kiev, not in Washington since the convicted felon, rapist, gangster, racist, insurrectionnist, cheater and traitor is there.
Trumps bromance with Putin is abhorrent and disgusting. I never thought I’d see a US president suck up to a Russian dictator in my lifetime. Now, we have seen it all.
We've seen dRump become a dictator.. Everyday taking over more, bullying, blackmailing people and countries..
Gotta do something to save ourselves now!
Trump is a true dictator. He is trying to ignore the supreme court ruling to send out 2 billion in aid. Defying the courts is the final phase in becoming a dictator and he’s doing it.
NO! The front doors were taken off in order to accommodate all the Russians in the orange gov.
invited in by the orange terror. He will have them up to Camp David. I'm sure the magites will rejoice. Lil marco will celebrate! The GOP congress will invite him to give a speech in the peoples house.
We can try - it’s an educational labor of love. Eventually they will get it. Kiev is how Russians imposed their colonial brand. When I correct a Russian they look at me with amusement, like “what? How do you dare?”, but they get it and some even start using the correct name. 🤷🏻♂️😂
I do not mind the switch and I often use Kyiv myself. I also don't use "the Ukraine" anymore, but I don't find it anymore offensive than "the Gambia"...its just shorter and helps with the character limit.
The thing is, it won't help Ukraine win. Its a waste of energy and spirit.
USA 'hollowed out' education by allowing states and private schools to suck the money out of public education.
And paid public educators paupers' wages.
If you go cheap you get lower quality products.
I wonder who is that? 🤔
The Repugnacans created this situation and the DIMocrats let it happen.
Are the White guys in the fancy uniforms up to the challenge now?
How long before it is too late?
Ruslands leder vil genskabe et russisk imperium, der strækker sig langt ind i Europa, fortæller militærforsker
Do something to save ourselves now!
That is a total Putin move! If Trump gets mad enough that Canadians I can see him deporting all the Canadians back to Canada and seizing their property. This folks is communism! This is who Trump is! He's had ties to Russia since 1984!
Do something!
Do something now to save ourselves now!
In all seriousness however it is obvious to even that the orange cock-womble is a russian asset, so is anyone remotely surprised? 🤬
The Kremlin has long sought to sow chaos using ‘information confrontation’. That job just got a lot easier
Actually it never stopped.
The Art of the Snake is not complex, expose the Ukrainians to Russian attack and unable to defend themselves until they've suffered enough casualties to surrender.
Nikita Khrushchev
Putin’s boss-man
That was gonna take about 15 seconds, according to Turnip, yet here we are. He's made matters worse if anything.
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
Victory for Ukraine
Gotta do something to save ourselves now!
Seems some things might be hitting the fan!
Gotta fight back!
invited in by the orange terror. He will have them up to Camp David. I'm sure the magites will rejoice. Lil marco will celebrate! The GOP congress will invite him to give a speech in the peoples house.
The thing is, it won't help Ukraine win. Its a waste of energy and spirit.
Only with Trump has their takeover been SO BLATANT!
In the USA Russia installed some nazis.
The other spelling is the russian name