Amazon has agreed to remove the last remnants of a sapphic book uploaded to their platform that clearly and heavily plagiarized one of mine. Since they have agreed with me that the work was plagiarized, I am willing to name the account: Kendra Rhodes. The work was called Miles to Go. 1/2
I have tried to reach the account holder with no success.
Good luck!
They thought they'd make an easy buck maybe? But readers noticed right away.
I wasn't even angry - it was so lazy. If Amazon refused to act on the example I gave them, then I'd be super pissed. I do want back the time I spent cramming an example into Amazon's 1000 character limit.
Whoever is behind the account put in effort for nothing and I am doubtful that account will publish anything else. Not exactly justice, but I accept that's the extent of it.
Yes, I write.
I am not afraid to go BACK to prison.
Anyhow, good luck.