Pete Hegseth thinks that disabled veterans shouldn't apply for all of the benefits that they qualify for if injured in the line of service.
Vile man has zero leadership experience and has no business running the Department of Defense.
Vile man has zero leadership experience and has no business running the Department of Defense.
Totally unqualified though run DoD
He has no business running anything. He and his unwashed hands need to stay of Faux News
Don’t create an “eligibility” to make it look good but then say “but don’t apply for it, it costs us money, but that y you for your service”
- Fox TV personality
- Good looking - good hair
- Same moral principles
Speaking from a family with many Veterans... this lunatic has no idea!!!
Veterans DESERVE the best that this country has and should give, without red tape!!!
Because of many of them we have freedoms to choose. It's not their fault that so many have disgracefully chosen incompetence!
What I need, as a Veteran, is to have shoulders and knees that don't feel pain and to remove the PTSD shit the military gave me. But if the government can't fix me, they can compensate me for the damage they gave me through doing my job. Which I did, as did every Vet.
No business leading anything.
He's a blue falcon!!!!
Hegseth isn't just bad he has no
And it’s not free nor is it for life
instances of
vets having emotional breakdowns as they left the building. We don’t take care of them well enough. 💔 This guy is a monster.
They won't take fewer dollars in, they'll just redistribute it into their pockets. That's the oligarchy part of our new reality.
He shouldn't wait until the first day on the job to realize how unqualified he is.
Let's see his military records.
I'm absolutely disgusted with Americans right now.
He said it was fine for those Injured and mentally affected
People deserve things for sacrificing their life , fuck the idea of giving to the elite out of virtuousness lol
But Hegseth is not prez. You really think that ultimately, the military establishment is gonna put up with this flaming nutbag?
Hegseth's implosion will be spectacular.
At the :26 mark, he specifically says if vets need care from injuries they sustianed in service, "the government better be there"
So many of #trump picks have zero business leading the agencies they've been picked to represent
Also, where's his Tab?
A 100% disabled Veteran
I dare him to walk through a ward at Walter Reed and say that to the vets
He looks like the perfect Nazi, like one of Hitler's youth. If you ever wanted to see an example of the Arian race the Nazis wanted, there you have it.
- George Washington
Absolutely nothing! 😑
"I got mine 'eff' everybody else".
Can't make this up.