If Obama had a resort holding party after party during the presidential transition period, the rightwing would be losing their collective shit. Imagine the drugs, rape, and underage girls at every party.
This is not normal. This is billionaires celebrating the upcoming robing of America.
Attention ⚠️ attention ⚠️ Will the owner of the crappy Tesla truck 🛻 parked outside the Trump hotel in Las Vegas NV , come get your truck now. It caught fire 🔥 in front of the hotel for no known reason. Matter-of-fact, never mind. Leave it in front of the Trump hotel for another hour. 👍
Just think about how much Lindsay Graham had to sacrifice to be next to Trump: reputation, pride, principles, values, only to be replaced by a South African immigrant who happened to have 400 billion dollars more than him.
wish I had a photo
a child at a homeless shelter
driven there by a fire in a building that has no fire alarms
sprinkler systems
no regulations because
Poor people lived there
They say it was a space heater
The landlord turned off the heat
He wanted them gone
Condos to be built
Leon, had to stop metaphorically stroking his own dick with his sock puppet account just to get up and make a good appearance in front of the camera's... Way to go Diddle-man.
I’m not opposed to any sis white males dancing to queer music, yet this makes me cringe. Elon is a fierce homophobe and transphobe… and, Trump is a latent homosexual. It’s just odd.
I never thought I could feel sorry for Elon Musk, but can you imagine having to hang out with that old turd All The Time?
Even Melonia has escaped that. 🤣
How is he going to be America's "leader" again ?
Easily manipulated, demented old man who’s being propped up just long enough to make it through 1/20, then it’s off to the golf course.
Texts are not written by him. Grammar is good, no misspelled word, no covfefe.
Leon is staying close to take control on 1/21.
This is not normal. This is billionaires celebrating the upcoming robing of America.
His patented Double Jerkoff.
The move musk did getting up out of his chair looked like he was going to start twerking or stripping
a child at a homeless shelter
driven there by a fire in a building that has no fire alarms
sprinkler systems
no regulations because
Poor people lived there
They say it was a space heater
The landlord turned off the heat
He wanted them gone
Condos to be built
Even Melonia has escaped that. 🤣
See, he’s a dad. He’s a good dad…..yeah that’s the ticket.
If not for the money that they both INHERITED, they'd be seen for the true and validated loosers that they are, inherently.